
Review Detail of EvilBlueCrystal in Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Review detail


Another amazing novel in this thrilling tale of... wait, what's happening again? Oh, right. Nothing. The so-called "Circle of Inevitability" means that the story will inevitably lead to the same thing we've seen a million times before. It is just a fancy way of saying that it is leading you in circles, never getting any closer to a satisfying conclusion, on a never-ending treadmill of disappointment. This novel is a masterpiece in its own right. A masterpiece of disappointment, confusion, and nonsensical plot points. It's boring, repetitive, and lacks any sort of direction. The writting is a confusing fake philosophical mess. The pacing is slow, the dialogue is boring, and the characters are forgettable. The story is so bad and filled with endless plot holes. There is no comedy and nothing is ever explained. The side characters are all unlikeable and forgettable cardboard, one dimensional, and their purpose is to provide useless information, and to be the servants of the main character, following him around like pets. Anyone that the Mc meets instantly becomes his friend for no reason. The main characters sister has no backstory at all and does nothing the entire novel. She just sits in her room, waiting for the main character to come back home so that the rest of the filler bloated chapter can be filled with their pointless conversation. We don't know what this story is about, or what the point is. The only thing that's clear is that the person who wrote it has no idea what hes doing, that the rest of the novel will be repetition and filler. The main character is revealed to have no free will and is just the NPC pawn in some predetermined fate. He acts like a little kid, insulting and embarrassing everyone. His personality is inconsistent, annoying, and lame. He is a total hypocrite, a paranoid lunatic with multiple personalities. He is boring, with No backstory, no identity, no beliefs, no development, no dreams, no motivations, no education, no emotions, no goals, no habits, no hard work, and no intelligence. Just what we need, another poorly written cardboard character that cries complains all the time, gets everything handed to him without actually having to do anything, and only survives because of luck and fate. Fors, who acts like the mystery woman is just a plot device, nothing more. The writer probably thought, "Oh, I need to give my MC some powers and advice. How about I introduce a long forgotten character who wants to help him for no apparent reason?" She is introduced as traveler. But all she does is be the typical NPC waiting for the the main chsracter to arrive. So that she can hand him all the beyonder information he needs, and all the pathway recipes like it's no big deal. Every single chapter follows this script: 1. Wake up and think about becoming a beyonder. 2. He decides to head to the local tavern, to chat with his "friends" (who are really just acquaintances he's too polite to avoid). 3. While at the tavern, he gets some information from the mysterious woman. 4. He heads back home to look and talk to his sister. 5. And then it's off to bed, where he enters his dream and becomes more powerful without any explanation or effort. 6. Info dump or new plot point is introduced and the next few chapters will focus on it... until it's ultimately forgotten about and the endless cycle repeats. This novel will leave you with many questions, such as "Why did I waste my time reading this?" and "Is the writer just messing with us?" If you're looking for a good read, for an exciting journey or a good adventure, you'd better look somewhere else because this novel is a one-way ticket to Yawnsville.

Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

Liked by 12 people




This guy is mad that there are any mysteries in a lord of mysteries novel and writes them off as plot holes lmao.

anme20057:these "plot holes" are filled in as we learn the truth together with the mc

Have you read the first book?


Yes the first one was decent, although I only remember some parts here and there.

Su_Shean:Have you read the first book?

Then why you rated it 5/5


man your standards are super high. you should read novels which have won noble prize in literature


these "plot holes" are filled in as we learn the truth together with the mc


i preferred sequel 1. this lumian is always getting himself into trouble like he is telling trouble to come and find. every time he sees someone he just saves them telling them that they are his. i think I Was in chapter 350 that i dropped it because I saw him beating up someone because the person was a passerby to worship malady god which was an evil god. first why did he beat the person can't he anonymously report to the officials because what if that person was a sequence 6 or a demigod in disguise. from what I have seen in sequel 1 anything is possible so I think this lumian guy is just trying to act funny and is jobless and also stupid

Tapabrata_Ghatak:man your standards are super high. you should read novels which have won noble prize in literature

Honestly, it's easy to tell how bitter you are just going through your page, hardly anything appeals to you. Instead of reading books, you should do something else, maybe it would help sweeten your tongue a bit.In any case, all the things you are so blatantly referring to as bad are explained as the story goes on. But perhaps because you are so bitter, you came to be a critic, instead of a reader enjoying a story.Welp, it's just unfortunate tbh.