
Review Detail of _ZAX_ in Honkai: Strijder

Review detail


This fic is completely ripped off from a Chinese author, worst part is that you are actually asking for patreon. You did not change anything aside from name. I could give the entire link of the original fic

Honkai: Strijder


Liked by 3 people




I need the link to the og story


Please give me the link.


Well, the OP did say that he is a [Translator], not an [Author]


translating without permission just because CN authors can't prevent piracy

Eurasia_Argent:Well, the OP did say that he is a [Translator], not an [Author]

Eh, you do you I guess, I don't understand what part of this you are having a problem with though

_ZAX_:translating without permission just because CN authors can't prevent piracy

because you earn money using other people's work? You translate CN and then use it to earn without the OG's permission knowing they can't sue you for piracy. It's okay to translate them yes, but don't use it to earn money when you could just give the link to the story to support the author

Eurasia_Argent:Eh, you do you I guess, I don't understand what part of this you are having a problem with though

I still don't get it, but that's probably because our mindset is different, I'm not rich, so I grew up with the thinking that as long as no one is harmed when one is making money, then it's fine, no matter if its legal or not

_ZAX_:because you earn money using other people's work? You translate CN and then use it to earn without the OG's permission knowing they can't sue you for piracy. It's okay to translate them yes, but don't use it to earn money when you could just give the link to the story to support the author

your understanding of no harm is really amazing. Poor CN authors didn't know their work is getting stolen

Eurasia_Argent:I still don't get it, but that's probably because our mindset is different, I'm not rich, so I grew up with the thinking that as long as no one is harmed when one is making money, then it's fine, no matter if its legal or not

I don’t really see a problem with this especially because people have a choice on wether or not they want to pay for it.

_ZAX_:your understanding of no harm is really amazing. Poor CN authors didn't know their work is getting stolen

okay boomer

Helia_King:I don’t really see a problem with this especially because people have a choice on wether or not they want to pay for it.

If you don’t have a valid argument or anything actually useful to say then don’t say anything cause I’m 18 and you are acting like a child

_ZAX_:okay boomer

I already explained it below and for some reason, your "18" year old brain didn't caught it... Why'd you think I say boomer?

Helia_King:If you don’t have a valid argument or anything actually useful to say then don’t say anything cause I’m 18 and you are acting like a child

Oh I understand but you can’t seem to understand that people can have opinions

_ZAX_:I already explained it below and for some reason, your "18" year old brain didn't caught it... Why'd you think I say boomer?