
Review Detail of Jazpex in My third life: Mass Effect Gamer Edition

Review detail


upon making this review there are only 5 chapters available Writing quality: writing is really good the only things that need improving are some spellings and some forgotten words Story development: as of chapter 5 the story has had good development its not too slow to feel like its dragging itself or too fast like its just running as fast as it can Character design: without out spoiling the story much i like the mc and what he is building and the cast of oc's is pretty bland character wise except for one wich is our good doctor Updating stability: writer of this fanfic has other stories that have no chapters at all and that makes me little skeptical about him continuing this after sometime if no one reads this as i myself really like this book and cant wait to read more World backround: the world backround is really good as the world it takes place in is the mass effect universe wich is vast and rich with all kinds of stories Reviewer's final notes: this is my second favorite mass effect story in here and i really hope it doesnt get dropped as i cant wait what happends next in the story

My third life: Mass Effect Gamer Edition


Liked by 4 people




Thanks for the review! Your concerns are highly valid, I'm not going to lie to you and say I will not drop the fic cause something could happen at any time that kills off my Interest in writing it. That is why the official chapter release schedule for the fic is once a month, the recent 'explosion' of chapters is due to me picking up Andromeda again and enjoying the mass effect universe once more. ATM I'm rewriting my dxd book for the 6th time and once I have the first chapter of that done, I will start working on this one again. To summarise; I'm a lazy idiot thanks for the support and cya soon.


I hope you dont lose interest because i love this ff

AFallenNoble:Thanks for the review! Your concerns are highly valid, I'm not going to lie to you and say I will not drop the fic cause something could happen at any time that kills off my Interest in writing it. That is why the official chapter release schedule for the fic is once a month, the recent 'explosion' of chapters is due to me picking up Andromeda again and enjoying the mass effect universe once more. ATM I'm rewriting my dxd book for the 6th time and once I have the first chapter of that done, I will start working on this one again. To summarise; I'm a lazy idiot thanks for the support and cya soon.