
Review Detail of VoidReader8577 in Multiversal Library

Review detail


I am not very good at giving reviews so I am just going to say what I have problems with in the story. I am also not gonna talk about the Romance as I already see a lot of reviews talking about it and honestly idrc about romance. First, this story is very similar to another fanfic I have read called "The Reincarnator's Tavern". I don't know if this novel takes inspiration from that one but I don't think this was as well done compared to TRT. Second, I feel like there is no story development at all. All the story has been is grind, get new skills, complete ridiculous quests, then leave. I am going to use Danmachi for my main example. In the latest chapter, the MC and Oliva have reached level 6 and NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT IT!! "I need to report the level up to the guild" (Hestia) "Can it wait till we are level 3?" (MC) This ended up never happening. There are so many other instances where things like this happen and its honestly irritating. The MC has shown his magic skills to Rivera, and tells Rivera to teach it to the rest of her Familia. After that, nothing else happens with this story point that I almost forgot it ever happened. Its not like the MC completely revolutionized magic or anything... My main issue is that there are NEVER any alternate POVs in this story. Unless someone is talking to the MC, then there will never be another person talking. We never see any reactions to the MC's deeds, never know what is going on in the world, and it just makes the story so one-dimensional that its boring and I keep forgetting all that the MC has done. It makes it so that there is no depth to the story at all. Its just like the author states, "this happened and the MC did this, moving on". You can imagine it that the story is in a tunnel, but you have always been in a tunnel and you do not know what is outside the tunnel. The tunnel only goes in one direction and there is no other place other than the tunnel. That is essentially the story with only the POV of the MC. Overall, with no alternate POV's and reactions to the MC's deeds, it just gets kind of mind numbing when the MC keeps doing all of these amazing things that it is impossible to keep track of all of them. Author if you want to add more depth to your story, then I think you need to follow up on story points you make instead of just forgetting them like reactions to "ignoring loki, revolutionizing magic, hitting level 6 in like a month, threating Soma and taking Lili, mastering blacksmithing, creating a sword that can harm gods, etc..." Without alternate POV's the story just gets boring, one dimensional, and monotone very quickly.

Multiversal Library


Liked by 113 people




Agreed bro


it's gotten so much better


How so? I stopped in the middle of DanMachi

Mr_no:it's gotten so much better

slightly improved writing quality moved a bit further away from Slice of Life and maybe a bit of my own bias but I love the insanity that Andrew sometimes shows

VoidReader8577:How so? I stopped in the middle of DanMachi

I've read trt and I see where you are coming from on the similaritys but I feel that this one was executed better


Do you know any novels similar to the reincarnators tabern


seconded friend of mine