
Review Detail of DEVILZHEAD in Fantasy: Force the Arrogant Heroine to Warm the Bed!

Review detail


First of great story ,love your work. But what I want say is that i think some chapters are missing I only satred reading 2 days ago and I was about to read the chapter of Yu Tian and Yue Yalin fight but now I don't see that chapter . So is it just me or does everyone has this problem. By the way as I said love your work and looking forward to the rest .

Fantasy: Force the Arrogant Heroine to Warm the Bed!


Liked by 1 people




My heart aches to betray your expectations, but sorry to disappoint you. I don't think I'll be able to continue. Things are a little complicated, so sorry for not explaining. Lost motivation, taking break for now, will come up with new novel, only when its completed and doesn't have any issues, otherwise just ff for now nd P a t r e o n. Thanks for your support. Have a good day!


Ooo sorry to hear that I was really looking forward for this novel 😫.

Suzerain_sama:My heart aches to betray your expectations, but sorry to disappoint you. I don't think I'll be able to continue. Things are a little complicated, so sorry for not explaining. Lost motivation, taking break for now, will come up with new novel, only when its completed and doesn't have any issues, otherwise just ff for now nd P a t r e o n. Thanks for your support. Have a good day!