
Review Detail of Vince_Sacay in God of Crime: Strongest Mafia Boss

Review detail


Dear author, I hope you will be able to read this review of mine, truly wish. Okay first off, I really intend to only give 2.5 ratings on this one ngl, but as I was amused how you wrote son of the hero king, I'm patient enough to wiat for further development of this one so 3 is just the right rate I could give. I can onky give cons of this one but if you want to hear some pros, onky could be stated "it's fcking good!". First of in the cons, too much blah blah blah author. You can just cut some words there and here and shorten those yada yada yada of Mc like what!? It's like his just talking about frogs but explained it IN 1 WHOLE DMN CHAPTER! plss cut some part of it. One of the most recent one is when his gonna meet his adopted mother. On I need to visit but yada yada yada blah blah blah yeah I need to visit mom but mom is ect etc etc blah blah blah so yeah I'll visit mom, plss author cut those off next chapter or 5he upcoming one. I aint yet a full privilege author but one of Editor told me that excessive words is truly boring. 2nd, change how Mc states how "I dont yet everything about this" sht. It's good he knows, seriously but DMN his like a broken record and like of those mob characters in a "I'm not a mob but blah blah" series, keep stating that his mob like this mob like that he can't do sht cuz his a mob and mob he is like man, plsss, for the love of potato stop it. And lastly, make it 2 chapters everyday!! I want moreeee!!! MOREEEE! and that's all author

God of Crime: Strongest Mafia Boss


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