
Review Detail of CetusWritings in Driven Down Damnation

Review detail


The novel is well written and well thought out and the way you give you characters emotion is good as well, your style of writing is good too and I can say it has a lot of potential to grow. But there are a few flaws that I'm seeing, the first is that you use long paragraphs which may make some readers feel it's too long to read and would put off some readers. So I suggest you make the paragraphs smaller, I'm not asking you to make a shorter story but just cut big paragraph in half, like what I'm doing with this review. Next flaw is even though I said before the way you give each character emotions is good you can definitely do it better and I can see you definitely showing improvement in each chapter you write. That's all I have to say about your novel and I think if you have the time you should read this novel.

Driven Down Damnation


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