
Review Detail of DAMM_SCHOOL in God of Time System: Harem in the Zombie Apocalypse

Review detail


The novel was pretty good at the beginning tbh, even though it was kind of slow but later on the mc started saving people and adding them into his group, even though they wont be much of a burdon not my cup of tea especially when it seems like he will do it more, saving people and adding to the group i mean.

God of Time System: Harem in the Zombie Apocalypse


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your indeed right, I agree

DisenchantedReader:Wait, so your disappointment stems from the MC being a decent human being? What a waste of air 🙄🙄🙄

I want to say read before you judge but welp whatever, who am I to judge. Thanks for reading upto here ig.


how would i judge without reading? 😂, you mean read more chapters right

Ethel_Imaginations:I want to say read before you judge but welp whatever, who am I to judge. Thanks for reading upto here ig.

I am curious. honestly. Why in every Apocalypse story on WN, readers start complaining when mc isn't some selfish man who can watch helpless people die ? generally they give argument like, one shouldn't take burden. Acting like they are in the side of the strong. But if something happens in reality, you would be the first one to wish someone actually saved you. Since more often than not, people are in the weak side. Not strong. Even in the animal kingdom Lions and wolves chase in numbers.


this is not reality bud, we have our own fantasies and likes you know -.-

HIKARU_GENJI:I am curious. honestly. Why in every Apocalypse story on WN, readers start complaining when mc isn't some selfish man who can watch helpless people die ? generally they give argument like, one shouldn't take burden. Acting like they are in the side of the strong. But if something happens in reality, you would be the first one to wish someone actually saved you. Since more often than not, people are in the weak side. Not strong. Even in the animal kingdom Lions and wolves chase in numbers.

Because many of them just emo teenagers

HIKARU_GENJI:I am curious. honestly. Why in every Apocalypse story on WN, readers start complaining when mc isn't some selfish man who can watch helpless people die ? generally they give argument like, one shouldn't take burden. Acting like they are in the side of the strong. But if something happens in reality, you would be the first one to wish someone actually saved you. Since more often than not, people are in the weak side. Not strong. Even in the animal kingdom Lions and wolves chase in numbers.

Buddy, I don't think you understand what apocalypse means. You act like saving someone in an apocalypse doesn't have demerits when you can get backstabbed/betrayed later on when they want more benefits. There is no absolute loyalty.... only conditions. "You wish to be saved" Well... I am not a protagonist nor would I have the mindset of being the protagonist of a world where the apocalypse happens... it's naive to think everyone has the same mindset because of the restrictions planted on us... why do you think that people usually go crazy/against the morals preached in apocalyptic tv shows?

HIKARU_GENJI:I am curious. honestly. Why in every Apocalypse story on WN, readers start complaining when mc isn't some selfish man who can watch helpless people die ? generally they give argument like, one shouldn't take burden. Acting like they are in the side of the strong. But if something happens in reality, you would be the first one to wish someone actually saved you. Since more often than not, people are in the weak side. Not strong. Even in the animal kingdom Lions and wolves chase in numbers.

Only the weak and helpless get crazy. it's obviously because you aren't a protagonist that you surround yourself with people lol 😂. Protagonists can act cool and alone because they have the power of plot behind them and some kind of superpower that makes actually teaming up a disadvantage. But in a true apocalypse with no magic. no teaming up is asking for death. Humans are social animal who can never survive long alone with no support. you need someone to watch your back when you are sleeping. you people with different expertise. For humans with no superpower, strength lay in number. This is how humanity survived even when we didn't have fire.

GOHfan12:Buddy, I don't think you understand what apocalypse means. You act like saving someone in an apocalypse doesn't have demerits when you can get backstabbed/betrayed later on when they want more benefits. There is no absolute loyalty.... only conditions. "You wish to be saved" Well... I am not a protagonist nor would I have the mindset of being the protagonist of a world where the apocalypse happens... it's naive to think everyone has the same mindset because of the restrictions planted on us... why do you think that people usually go crazy/against the morals preached in apocalyptic tv shows?

As a follower of Fang Yuan and Negary, I disagree. Sure, communities could be formed in the apocalypse however that would create a hierarchy, politics, infighting and resources may not be sufficiently distributed. Plus if they decide to rebel, you may get your throat cut in your sleep and not to mention people aren't restricted anymore. Betrayal, **** and all other vile acts have no consequences until they establish rules. Being alone or in a pair is better than having to look after leaches or snakes.

HIKARU_GENJI:Only the weak and helpless get crazy. it's obviously because you aren't a protagonist that you surround yourself with people lol 😂. Protagonists can act cool and alone because they have the power of plot behind them and some kind of superpower that makes actually teaming up a disadvantage. But in a true apocalypse with no magic. no teaming up is asking for death. Humans are social animal who can never survive long alone with no support. you need someone to watch your back when you are sleeping. you people with different expertise. For humans with no superpower, strength lay in number. This is how humanity survived even when we didn't have fire.

This argument hold literally and I mean literally no weight when in face of history of humanity. Once again this taking the side of an apocalypse with normal human. if some system or power or whatever appear then perhaps sure. If people want to survive alone it's cool. But in a normal situation with no super power then you are wrong. Humans don't survive alone or with two. Humans survive in community. Even the true staunchest men live in tribe in the most dangerous forest of the world. I argue that they are facing the equivalent of apocalypse everyday. Why then don't they separate? Survival in number is the simplest and most proven Truth in nature. Also another simple fact is...Why do you think in nearly all Apocalypse Novels/manga/anime/Movie/show, in all of them. the main character eventually settle in a group, create a group or become close to a group ?

GOHfan12:As a follower of Fang Yuan and Negary, I disagree. Sure, communities could be formed in the apocalypse however that would create a hierarchy, politics, infighting and resources may not be sufficiently distributed. Plus if they decide to rebel, you may get your throat cut in your sleep and not to mention people aren't restricted anymore. Betrayal, **** and all other vile acts have no consequences until they establish rules. Being alone or in a pair is better than having to look after leaches or snakes.

Wait, so your disappointment stems from the MC being a decent human being? What a waste of air 🙄🙄🙄


I'm going to get a little involved in the debate here, because I thought it was interesting. 1.- In reality, if we hear an apocalypse without a system and any type of power, the first thing to collapse will be "morals", the second will be "justice", continuing with friendships and family, In the beginning, 99% of people will certainly not care about others and will try to survive alone, and this will change their mindset. 2.- After a while and realizing the harsh reality that no one can survive alone, [because they will not be a doctor, electrician, mechanic, engineer, builder, farmer, etc..] People will again try to form larger and larger groups to fulfill necessary roles and needs. 3.- Obviously when everything falls apart and new groups emerge with distrust and betrayal, after all there will always be those who want to be at the top. As for people who would be a “burden” for the group, this would not exist because it would most likely be a society based on merit and specific roles would be rare. Now leaving my contribution to the almost annual debate.


Bruh arguing with someone's opinion will get you nothing like debating with someone's religion which is continuing through Millennium years and nothing change but keep worsening due to social media