
Review Detail of Madeie_Nines in The Bizarre Life Of Tadano

Review detail


I'm at chapter 20 and It's already ridiculous. It seems the author had a some sort of outline for how the story would go, but it quickly devolved into a mess. I'm gonna describe a dumbed down version of the last 20 chapters. The fic starts off relatively normal with Tadano going out to buy groceries but then he finds the female traveler from Genshin Impact being all broody and emotionally broken like you do when your "other-half" with whom you've been with your centuries long existence, gets forcefully ripped away from you and you cannot do anything but watch. So he brings her home away from the rain because he's such a nice dude. These are the first 3-4 chapters. Sound interesting right? That's what i said too. Then the author sidelined her for the next 6 chapters. And when she does appear, she does fuck all. There was an opportunity to do something interesting with that idea, mostly comedic culture shock moments but still! Any potential characterization or story is gone with just a simple, lazy time skip. She's simply there for the sake of being there because the author simply wanted her in. Not just her either, but Shouko from A Silent Voice, characters from Oregairu the , the girl from fucking Metamorphosis i swear to god, even Komi herself ain't safe. They're there just to be caught and become accessories in "Tadano's" harem like pokemon. But why would the author half-ass this so bad? He was busy turning Tadano into an OP self insert, somehow becoming superhuman and one of those tiktok empaths overnight. Not only that but he suddenly gets a multiverse travel system OUT OF NOWHERE with ZERO explanation. And he's not at all freaked out by any of this. It's like the author had new fanfic ideas but he didn't want to inflate his novel list further so he simply opted to mash them into this one while it was still starting out. Author please just stick to something and have some standards.

The Bizarre Life Of Tadano


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