
Review Detail of Will_of_Thousands in Reincarnation of the Emperor

Review detail


I have read to the current chapter as of now (chapter 9) and I am very impressed. The concept is solid and the characters are interesting so far. it's hard to give an in depth review when there are so little chapters but the book has great potential. my only side comment would be that the story can be vague at times. I can understand as it's just the beginning and is a formative period for the story as a whole but it would be nice if there was a little more detail. overall this is a very minor nitpick and can definitely change as the story progresses so take it with a grain of salt. it didn't stop me from reading all of the chapters in one sitting. very solid book I will be keeping an eye on.

Reincarnation of the Emperor


Liked by 2 people




Thanks for taking the time to read my story. I agree that there is a need for more detail to help readers understand the world and characters better. I haven't outlined anything, and have been writing as I go, ideas coming and going. I'll take your feedback into consideration and add some more clarity and depth to the plot. Overall, I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the story so far and am grateful for your support, it means loads to me that someone has actually enjoyed it! Thank you again for your review and your helpful comments.