
Review Detail of Ninestar619_5803 in The lighted lantern (Arelins)

Review detail


WOW! Cool Amazing! This book is so awesome and outstanding. It made me have fun from the start and I got hooked to it. The plot is very interesting, so is the pacing. The writing style is clear and easy flowing and gives you quite clear image and eady understanding while reading. Good book loved it.

The lighted lantern (Arelins)


Liked by 1 people




Thanks a lot dear reader. Sorry for the late reply. But I promise I will keep up your all expectations as I have said earlier. I will soon upload new chapters. I have been busy with my studies and coursework ...hope you all understand. 😅. Thanks again dear reader for your motivation.


Don't worry I understand. I am also busy so don't worry for your late reply to the review. Study hard and build up your bright future

Annran:Thanks a lot dear reader. Sorry for the late reply. But I promise I will keep up your all expectations as I have said earlier. I will soon upload new chapters. I have been busy with my studies and coursework ...hope you all understand. 😅. Thanks again dear reader for your motivation.