
Review Detail of Lestda in I Developed The Zombie Apocalypse And Netizens Went Crazy With Excitement

Review detail


The base idea is good, the premise. But the execution and development is horrible and insulting. The Author lack imagination, logic and vision. With the base premise in the right hands this novel could have a exceptional future but in the hands of an atrocious Author this novel Is what it Is, cheap garbage. The dynamic is poor and biased, the Author literally copy the plot of Movies into a game and kill any real satisfaction that a game could give to a Player... but in the Author imagination (bc for that ego he have imagination for give to the world) his Games based Movies are satisfying for gamers... he ven go so far to put the entire plot in Female gamers biased the entire development to the ground. Is a summary of a Simp Author without too much to give to Readers.

I Developed The Zombie Apocalypse And Netizens Went Crazy With Excitement

Loaded Dice

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