
Review Detail of G0blin in Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Review detail


Main satisfaction of this novel is strength that mc gains through story and that's all . There's nothing wrong with it it's nature of many great Chinese cultivation story's but it s getting quickly repetive power up nerf power up more It's truly sad that author didn't use more of word or side characters ... especially the last , side characters are treated very poorly .We get to know why there are important and how amazing they are talented only for author to treat them like ,, got ur 5 chapter now f off" I hope there will be more development in this direction from now on. More explanation about word and using settings of said word would also be appreciated because as for now it s fells like background for mc to find power ups not a living word . I will leave few thing I felt were missing from this word political scene reaction to mc power emotional connection to any of side characters character development other than ,, I refuse to be loser MORE POWER!'' More of noble environment and how mc deals with it More interactions with original game characters

Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel


Liked by 7 people




Why are you putting it again Ye I realized this flaws too and am thinking of how fix it Thank you for the review


I made some grammatical mistakes in first one so I deleted it . English isn't my first league I couldn't edit it soo i get rid of it

chaotic_1:Why are you putting it again Ye I realized this flaws too and am thinking of how fix it Thank you for the review

I see. Never mind then

G0blin:I made some grammatical mistakes in first one so I deleted it . English isn't my first league I couldn't edit it soo i get rid of it