
Review Detail of D_Wolf in Online Game: I Began By Enhancing Endlessly With My SSS Rank Talent

Review detail


Best I can say is that those of us who like OP protagonists and easy mode, may find this story somewhat ok to read when we are lacking anything better. This is not well written or well designed. The writing quality is around the level of a 8th grader at best. The way this story is written is: throw out big exotic names for items and skills using big numbers, which mostly have no consistency and then match a bunch of high level enemies against the MC who are then insta-killed by his OPness. Of course everything has to be upgraded by the MC's primary talent. The upgrade points are a thing only for the first dozen or so chapters, after which he has acquired enough that he can max everything that he wants to upgrade without thinking about the need to save up. Then comes the supreme upgrade points. This is a harem story though it seems more like a playboy just playing with whoever he comes across. The author makes the MC to be a damsel saving good guy, who is obviously the most powerful existence who causes all female flesh to quiver.


Online Game: I Began By Enhancing Endlessly With My SSS Rank Talent

Tobacco Grows Cold Easily

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