
Review Detail of GodOfLight in Star wars: I don't want to be a Jedi

Review detail


The main point of this review is that the novel had potential, but the choices made by the author create a flawed story. The author makes horrible wishes, forgets his wishes, and makes questionable decisions concerning the plot. Therefore, I wouldn't recommend anyone to read unless you're the type of person that enjoys awful stories. Expanding on the wishes, the author chose the worst wishes possible. He wished for "Archer's fighting experience," a "though body," and "[the ability] to speak any language." On top of somehow misspelling tough, the author chose random generalized, unspecific wishes. Another review highlighted this, stating that not specifying the wish, in the case of his wish about toughness, could cause the ROB to make the main character as tough as an average person. This problem applies to the "Archer's experience" wish as well. Who is archer? Archer is a class, not a person. The author claims that his main character made these wishes because he had no idea which world he was traveling to, which makes the problem worse. In the text, the main character comments that he is concerned about the Fate universe. If the main character were so concerned about the world, he would have chosen more specific wishes than "tough body" and "Archer experience." Perhaps, I don't know, actual powers? When I say that the author forgot his wishes, I mean that he only remembers that the main character has a "tough body." Archer's experience? The author forgot he had it. The ability to understand all languages? There wasn't a single use for it. Here's a minor spoiler that ties in with my third point about the author making questionable decisions. In the story, the main character chooses to sever his connection to force. As many know, this ability is not permanent. However, what he does during that time shows that the author forgot his wishes. During a time skip where he fights battles without the Force, the main character gets demolished. Coming out of those battles with many injuries causes the main character to realize he is nothing without the Force. All of a sudden, where did his first wish go? All the archers in Fate have many combat experiences, especially Emiya, whom the author alluded to basing the wish on when stating the wish. All of a sudden, the mc can't fight stormtroopers? Where did that experience go? Finally, touching upon the questionable decisions, the main one that sticks out is the author's decision to have the main character sever his connection to the Force. This severing could be due to many reasons that make sense. However, no, the mc had a temper tantrum after falling into one of the oldest tricks in the book; the illusion of a close dead person somehow being alive again. After escaping the illusion meant to remind him not to repeat past mistakes, he ignores the Holocron and severs his connection later. The stupid thing here is that his so-called mistake was not telling his sister to look both ways on the street since she jumped straight into traffic after she saw him. Moreover, he exposed his location since he was angry, and we can assume that the temple with the Holocron was later discovered and destroyed. A lot of stupid things occur, adding more and more flaws to the story. The author needs to fix his story and pay more attention to details. How do you forget your wishes?

Star wars: I don't want to be a Jedi


Liked by 13 people




Yea, the problem here are the type of wishes, not wishes existing at all. ...dude your review and opinion is so trash.


Hello , author.

InternetSaint:Yea, the problem here are the type of wishes, not wishes existing at all. ...dude your review and opinion is so trash.

lol you must be a bit soft in the head.

Bob_Uchiha_XD:Hello , author.