
Review Detail of xNoReadNoLifex in Majesty's Journey 2: Natasha's Symbiote in Marvel

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Could you add the non-human tag please. I dont like this one bit but since i did not read it i will rate it from that. I just dont understand why a human would give up havIng a human body to gaing a body that requires a host to thrive.

Majesty's Journey 2: Natasha's Symbiote in Marvel


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You forgot to mention that he can copy his host's powers and theoretically control his host to his liking, but they usually don't, the MC could take over a random body take his consciousness forever and take over his identity I don't really see any downside, except that some authors with non-human MCs don't develop the idea to its full potential.


What are you on? How is this relevant to my comment? Not trying to offend.

Gabichu_Yeah:You forgot to mention that he can copy his host's powers and theoretically control his host to his liking, but they usually don't, the MC could take over a random body take his consciousness forever and take over his identity I don't really see any downside, except that some authors with non-human MCs don't develop the idea to its full potential.

You said "I don't understand why they wouldn't want to be human" so I explained a little about the advantages of the symbiote

xNoReadNoLifex:What are you on? How is this relevant to my comment? Not trying to offend.

Well maybe my comment wasn’t clear. There should be no reason a intelligent human being would want to lose their human bodies to gain one that requires another human being to survive and thrive. No matter the benefits. But if the body was autonomous than sure. But symbiote needs other human bodies to thrive. No matter how you phrase it.

Gabichu_Yeah:You said "I don't understand why they wouldn't want to be human" so I explained a little about the advantages of the symbiote

The advantages far outweigh any disadvantages that being a symbiote can bring, this fanfic proves it 👍👍👍

xNoReadNoLifex:Well maybe my comment wasn’t clear. There should be no reason a intelligent human being would want to lose their human bodies to gain one that requires another human being to survive and thrive. No matter the benefits. But if the body was autonomous than sure. But symbiote needs other human bodies to thrive. No matter how you phrase it.

Okay I see that you either can’t read , can’t understand, or you won’t do either. As such we both know that if you had the choice you will make the best choice not the sentimental choice. many races even the non humans one are better than symbiote. Even the black virus as the properties of a symbiote but better. But this story is for symbiote mc so oh well.

Gabichu_Yeah:The advantages far outweigh any disadvantages that being a symbiote can bring, this fanfic proves it 👍👍👍

the reason for their disadvantage is what makes them the best race. no being is perfect no matter how powerful they are. the reason Symbiotes need another living being is why they are this popular. why? because they can grow with their hosts. sure, many races like Kryptonians and Saiyans are very powerful, but that's just about it. in the end, they stay alone unless they find a partner who is equal to them. and that's already rare, since them being overpowered to the point where they're unique makes them likeable. so if their lovers aren't as powerful as them, the chances of them being killed is extremely high. just look at Superman's lover who died while pregnant. but that's not the case with Symbiotes. they are always with their lovers, always protecting them, every second of the day and night. the only way to kill their lover is by killing them first. Symbiotes are also immortal as long as they bond with a host. also, they don't have to just bond with a human. they can bond with any living being. All Black is with Gorr as you know. heck, it's even canon that Venom has stayed bonded with an insect in the past. and even in the movie, he has bonded with a dog

xNoReadNoLifex:Okay I see that you either can’t read , can’t understand, or you won’t do either. As such we both know that if you had the choice you will make the best choice not the sentimental choice. many races even the non humans one are better than symbiote. Even the black virus as the properties of a symbiote but better. But this story is for symbiote mc so oh well.

I understand but my point still stand. This is a sentimental decision. Sure every races as their advantages and disadvantages but some of them are fundamentally better than others. Plus the lover section doesn’t hold up much because there are an infinite number of ways an mc can make their lovers powerful and resilient. so there is no need for a former human to decided to became a being that need other beings to survive and thrive. It all about preference. The mc(you) like symbiote as such they wanted to become one. But they had an infinite number of choices that would have been way better. Ex: could have been an hybrid race that has all the symbiote’s abilities while retaining their human form. But hey it is your story, you are the author so no matter what you decide. It just my personal opinion that if the mc had any common sense when making choices they would have made a different one.

That_One_Dead_Ali:the reason for their disadvantage is what makes them the best race. no being is perfect no matter how powerful they are. the reason Symbiotes need another living being is why they are this popular. why? because they can grow with their hosts. sure, many races like Kryptonians and Saiyans are very powerful, but that's just about it. in the end, they stay alone unless they find a partner who is equal to them. and that's already rare, since them being overpowered to the point where they're unique makes them likeable. so if their lovers aren't as powerful as them, the chances of them being killed is extremely high. just look at Superman's lover who died while pregnant. but that's not the case with Symbiotes. they are always with their lovers, always protecting them, every second of the day and night. the only way to kill their lover is by killing them first. Symbiotes are also immortal as long as they bond with a host. also, they don't have to just bond with a human. they can bond with any living being. All Black is with Gorr as you know. heck, it's even canon that Venom has stayed bonded with an insect in the past. and even in the movie, he has bonded with a dog

You forgot that this is due to a wish. So why not wish for the power to copy while being a human?

Gabichu_Yeah:You forgot to mention that he can copy his host's powers and theoretically control his host to his liking, but they usually don't, the MC could take over a random body take his consciousness forever and take over his identity I don't really see any downside, except that some authors with non-human MCs don't develop the idea to its full potential.

It should be possible, it all depends on the author

Phantom_X143:You forgot that this is due to a wish. So why not wish for the power to copy while being a human?

a symbiote can easily take over a human it doesnt need the hosts will to take over the body

xNoReadNoLifex:Well maybe my comment wasn’t clear. There should be no reason a intelligent human being would want to lose their human bodies to gain one that requires another human being to survive and thrive. No matter the benefits. But if the body was autonomous than sure. But symbiote needs other human bodies to thrive. No matter how you phrase it.

Learn to read please 🙏

John_Geo:a symbiote can easily take over a human it doesnt need the hosts will to take over the body