
Review Detail of Mr_Aizen in Boundless: Un Harem de Anime y Comics en el Omniverso más Peligroso

Review detail


Ustedes ya saben la clásica reseña descarada del autor, Aunque la usare para aclarar algunas cosas 1 una mala reseña que tiene este libro es por qué dice que no es divertido dado que Ajimu Najimi es tan OP como el mc, pues no, si viste el manga sabes que Najimi nunca fue invencible de hecho la derrotaron cien millones de veces 2 Es harem punto, lo siento se que muchos lo odian, pero mejor no lo lean si no les gusta el harem y no me pongan malas reseñas por ello 3 avanza lento al principio se que muchos usan la regla de los tres capítulos para jugar un libro pero lo bueno está mucho después sorry 4 son mundos mezclados así que ni esperen canon cien por cien aunque Medaka lo mantengo apegado al canon los primeros arcos, en la medida de lo posible 5 todavía soy amateur perdonen mis faltas de ortografía y si me equivoco en la forma de redactar

Boundless: Un Harem de Anime y Comics en el Omniverso más Peligroso


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author can you make an english version and ask through the forum if any one wants to edit your fan-fic because even though i can read and speak spanish i like to listen to it since i am fluent in both but through out my day im used to English so can you please make a copy of the chapters and just have someone edit them or have ai edit them through the new software that is out that auto corrects grammar and change it to English


Well, it's true that I would like to do an English version of my novel, but I feel that my translation will be very bad, since my level of English is basic, there is also the option of asking someone to translate but as I said I would like to rewrite I don't like many chapters, so it doesn't make sense to translate it as it is written because many things would change. Although now that you mention it, I could find an editor to help me translating. I have to ask my readers, maybe there is someone who is willing to help me with this.

SAURON_:author can you make an english version and ask through the forum if any one wants to edit your fan-fic because even though i can read and speak spanish i like to listen to it since i am fluent in both but through out my day im used to English so can you please make a copy of the chapters and just have someone edit them or have ai edit them through the new software that is out that auto corrects grammar and change it to English

Hello author, I have a question Why is the language marked as en(english)? I wanted to try out webnovel's new mobile translation for this story yet it was listed as english and wouldn't translate it

Mr_Aizen:Well, it's true that I would like to do an English version of my novel, but I feel that my translation will be very bad, since my level of English is basic, there is also the option of asking someone to translate but as I said I would like to rewrite I don't like many chapters, so it doesn't make sense to translate it as it is written because many things would change. Although now that you mention it, I could find an editor to help me translating. I have to ask my readers, maybe there is someone who is willing to help me with this.

Well, the reason is that stories ranked in other languages ​​don't rank, so I put it in English even though it's not.

FinnsRevenge:Hello author, I have a question Why is the language marked as en(english)? I wanted to try out webnovel's new mobile translation for this story yet it was listed as english and wouldn't translate it

Unfortunate but understandable I guess

Mr_Aizen:Well, the reason is that stories ranked in other languages ​​don't rank, so I put it in English even though it's not.

this garbage is the reason people think fanfic readers are weird