
Review Detail of Bazka in A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

Review detail


Ok so, this story is actually really good! The actual quality of literature isn't exactly outstanding, but the story and progression of the MC's escapades is oddly entertaining. Character development of the main character is gradual and has depth, buttttttt this doesn't extend to any others in this series, or at least none as of the current chapter. I look forward to more development, the potential for multiversal exploration has opened up some great potential plot directions. Hope all is capitalized upon as well as they could be, great work from the author.

A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)


Liked by 3 people




Theeeeeennnn.....why the 3 stars? Your review does not sync with the stars you've given. There is some disconnect here - at least to me.


its slightly higher than 50/50, they like it but wish to see more fleshed out multiverse topics and they did mention that the quality of the literature isn't great for them. havent read it myself yet but that's what i got from their review

Marine0IQ:Theeeeeennnn.....why the 3 stars? Your review does not sync with the stars you've given. There is some disconnect here - at least to me.