
Review Detail of SurelyNotEli in Marvel: A New Parker

Review detail


The chapters are really short, like really REALLY short. On top of having no content or story within them, (they’re too short to even tell a real story) half of the chapters are sometimes just XP and system stuff. I get it’s a system but seriously? Half the chapter being just the HUD/UI giving xp and upgrades? Where’s the actual… you know… story? There’s tons of grammatical errors as well, making it awkward to read. The dialogue is insanely bad and awkward too. The Bruce Banner chapter makes this very evident, I could not believe the dialogue when I read it, it sounds AI generated. This just isn’t good. I saw the views and 130+ powerstones thinking this was gonna be a good fanfic but I was extremely let down. It makes me wonder if this guy is somehow buying powerstones from people or paying them off. I just can’t see how this could be enjoyable in the slightest. To sum it up: Short chapters with no plot 👎🏿 Half the chapter is sometimes just XP menus 👎🏿 Terrible grammar 👎🏿 Awkward dialogue 👎🏿 Overall unenjoyable to read 👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿

Marvel: A New Parker


Liked by 2 people




He flirted with his aunt too... yeah that’s as far as I’m going 😭😭😭


Thax for the review, however I'm writing this novel for fun otherwise is would tell people to read chapters on my patreon and you could see that I progress the story with votes from the readers so I'm not actually being serious also my English isn't my first language so don't expect a scholar writing... does authors actually pay people for power stones??