
Review Detail of Nitrox2 in HxH: The Strongest Hunter Dropped (Up to Adopt)

Review detail


Unfortunately, I hate stories written like this : " blabla blabla" : MC " blabla blabla" : character B It killed my motivation to read the second chapter.

HxH: The Strongest Hunter Dropped (Up to Adopt)


Liked by 10 people




exactly how did you judge the review that you give 2 stars? if your issue is how dialogue is written it would be higher, no?


because its a complete dealbreaker, i can understand this. Stories that have a 10/10 Worldbuilding and Characters are still unreadable if they are like that. It could be the best story on this planet and it wouldnt change anything, becasue its too painful to decipher. please change it or atleast keep that in mind for your next story.

southgamez:exactly how did you judge the review that you give 2 stars? if your issue is how dialogue is written it would be higher, no?

Lol, a proper reviews each individual mark, not the marks as a whole. marking everything 2 star when you believe the only 2 star aspect is the dialogue, it has nothing to do with character building or world background. The story doesn't even need to be deciphered, you ligit just have to skip a name at the end of a sentence if you already know who's talking, unlike if it was at the beginning where you are forced to read the name. "blah blah blah": soren "blah blah blah": opponent Soren charged at the opponent as they made an exchange worth 100 moves as they were both out of breath "you're quite good, I didn't expect that" "yeah, same could be said to you" Who was talking in the second set of dialogue?

CILinkz:because its a complete dealbreaker, i can understand this. Stories that have a 10/10 Worldbuilding and Characters are still unreadable if they are like that. It could be the best story on this planet and it wouldnt change anything, becasue its too painful to decipher. please change it or atleast keep that in mind for your next story.

if you dont want to change it then so be it. i told you my opinion and thats that. i told you i wouldnt read a story like that and a lot of others probably feel the same and you can accept that and keep that in mind for your next time or ignore my opinion. i can tell you that the name: dialog writing will not bring you a lot of fans also Webnovel is the wrong site if you bother about the star reviews because they are 99% of the time garbage. what they write is more important than the amount of stars on them. x/5 is a garbage system. people who dont like stuff in a story do 0-2/5 and people who like the story all go with 5/5 or are bots.

southgamez:Lol, a proper reviews each individual mark, not the marks as a whole. marking everything 2 star when you believe the only 2 star aspect is the dialogue, it has nothing to do with character building or world background. The story doesn't even need to be deciphered, you ligit just have to skip a name at the end of a sentence if you already know who's talking, unlike if it was at the beginning where you are forced to read the name. "blah blah blah": soren "blah blah blah": opponent Soren charged at the opponent as they made an exchange worth 100 moves as they were both out of breath "you're quite good, I didn't expect that" "yeah, same could be said to you" Who was talking in the second set of dialogue?

I agree with CiLinkz its a literal dealbreaker for me, too.


I never said you had to like how I write, it's just my opinion that the reasoning is stupid, but as you said, I can't force you to read, you'll just miss out because you feel the writing style is "unreadable" when it has no problems except caters to the slower people who may not understand who is talking. Also, you can't say that all people go either 1/5 star or 5/5 star, because I see real reviews that take and grade all aspects and comes up with a proper rating. I write these kind of reviews myself where I look at all aspects

CILinkz:if you dont want to change it then so be it. i told you my opinion and thats that. i told you i wouldnt read a story like that and a lot of others probably feel the same and you can accept that and keep that in mind for your next time or ignore my opinion. i can tell you that the name: dialog writing will not bring you a lot of fans also Webnovel is the wrong site if you bother about the star reviews because they are 99% of the time garbage. what they write is more important than the amount of stars on them. x/5 is a garbage system. people who dont like stuff in a story do 0-2/5 and people who like the story all go with 5/5 or are bots.

you also never answered, who had which line in the second set of dialogue where I created 2 examples

CILinkz:if you dont want to change it then so be it. i told you my opinion and thats that. i told you i wouldnt read a story like that and a lot of others probably feel the same and you can accept that and keep that in mind for your next time or ignore my opinion. i can tell you that the name: dialog writing will not bring you a lot of fans also Webnovel is the wrong site if you bother about the star reviews because they are 99% of the time garbage. what they write is more important than the amount of stars on them. x/5 is a garbage system. people who dont like stuff in a story do 0-2/5 and people who like the story all go with 5/5 or are bots.

I don’t really mind the dialogue, but your question isn’t a very good one. No one knows who was speaking, who was said what is very ambiguous, but that is mostly because what you gave as an example is a horrible piece of dialogue. Soren charged at the opponent as they made an exchange worth 100 moves. After, as they were stationary and out of breath, Soren chuckled. “You’re quite good, I didn’t expect that.” Soren’s opponent matched his chuckle with their own. “Yeah, same could be said to you.” I think who said each line of dialogue in this example is much more obvious to the reader. You could also just use said, asked, questioned, etc. Example: “So spill it, who are you?” Soren asked his opponent. “You don’t need to know. You will dead soon, so it wouldn’t matter anyway.” Again I think this is easier for a reader to figure out who said what. I am not suggesting you change, mostly because I don’t really care either way, but I think the example you gave was a bad one and you can change the way you write without confusing everyone.

southgamez:you also never answered, who had which line in the second set of dialogue where I created 2 examples

I know how to write like that, but my story isn't being written like that as there would be much less dialogue. I used an example from how it would look if there were no names with the style I was writing with. I like writing as if I was writing a movie script where actors have parts and thus the name as a conversation can go on without having to explain minute details like "The weather is beautiful today" Soren said as he shifted his legs. "Yeah, I think it's a beautiful day" Machi responded while applying lipstick... I could write like this, but I prefer more dialogue in my stories

BLEH_Hed:I don’t really mind the dialogue, but your question isn’t a very good one. No one knows who was speaking, who was said what is very ambiguous, but that is mostly because what you gave as an example is a horrible piece of dialogue. Soren charged at the opponent as they made an exchange worth 100 moves. After, as they were stationary and out of breath, Soren chuckled. “You’re quite good, I didn’t expect that.” Soren’s opponent matched his chuckle with their own. “Yeah, same could be said to you.” I think who said each line of dialogue in this example is much more obvious to the reader. You could also just use said, asked, questioned, etc. Example: “So spill it, who are you?” Soren asked his opponent. “You don’t need to know. You will dead soon, so it wouldn’t matter anyway.” Again I think this is easier for a reader to figure out who said what. I am not suggesting you change, mostly because I don’t really care either way, but I think the example you gave was a bad one and you can change the way you write without confusing everyone.

Unfortunately, those "minute details" give the story life, the "chat style" which I have actually mentioned a few times that you should change away from, sucks exactly because it doesn't give any "emotion" to characters, they just sound like people talking in a chat and not actual people doing things. Not to mention that you don't even bother capitalizing anything after the : which also hurts, since I think it's on second grade that children learn about capital letters?

southgamez:I know how to write like that, but my story isn't being written like that as there would be much less dialogue. I used an example from how it would look if there were no names with the style I was writing with. I like writing as if I was writing a movie script where actors have parts and thus the name as a conversation can go on without having to explain minute details like "The weather is beautiful today" Soren said as he shifted his legs. "Yeah, I think it's a beautiful day" Machi responded while applying lipstick... I could write like this, but I prefer more dialogue in my stories

lol I know names get capitalized first letter, but the name being there is not meant to be read, only let those who don't know who is talking learn who it is... that why there is also :??? as they have yet to be introduced, yeah, I could have something like "You're quite talented!" said a tall man with spiky black hair, and a permanent scowl plastered on his face as he stood with his arms crossed, wearing white gloves and a blue spandex suit.... Some might be able to guess this as Vegeta, but I could do this instead. "You're quite talented!": ??? "Who is it?": soren... Soren then looked over to see the familiar face of an angry spiky haired Saiyan; Vegeta.... Now I can do a back and forth conversation with little detail needed about the surroundings as I introduce a general area.

Akisu:Unfortunately, those "minute details" give the story life, the "chat style" which I have actually mentioned a few times that you should change away from, sucks exactly because it doesn't give any "emotion" to characters, they just sound like people talking in a chat and not actual people doing things. Not to mention that you don't even bother capitalizing anything after the : which also hurts, since I think it's on second grade that children learn about capital letters?