
Review Detail of Night132 in Stranger Things: What if

Review detail


Okay! Author review/explanation. I really didn't want to review my own work and I hate the fact that I have to do this since most people skip the summary and go directly to the reviews to check out the "quality". A thing I want to point out. I am not like most authors here that give his readers only 1k-2k words per chapter. I'll be giving you guys like, freaking 3k words per chapter MINIMUM. I have even written 6k words chapter. So, even if it says, idk, 20 chapters. By normal standards of this site, that's like 50 chapters if all those 20 chapters had 2k words max. That's unless I run out of ideas and I have to squeeze everything, then yeah, you'll get max 2k words. Anyway, lets start with writing quality: English is like my third or fourth language, so there will be mistakes. Fortunately, i have Grammarly and like 3 other apps that help with the mistakes and all that. But sometimes, there will still be mistakes, so ops... Don't ask much. I will try to fix the huge ones and the small ones, we'll if its still understandable, i don't want to change it... The stability of updates. Ookayy, so some explanation. My style of writing consists of no planning whatsoever and just straight dive into the story and let's see what happens. So, most of the time, I will not have any chapters in stock. Now, I can sense some people going, "okay, nope I'm out." Well give this story a chance and see what happens. I mean, you have read some pretty weird and messed-up fanfics on this site already, why not give this one a chance and see what happens? If even then, you don't like it, fair enough. About the main point, updates. I am going to be honest. Its summer vacation/break. So I am free right now and I am not working. So I have time to write like 10 chapters in a day. Exaggeration, but you get the idea. But this might change when my college sessions begin again or I find work. Story development: Umm, I don't know what to write here. I can't say its good or bad. But I can say that I could improve and become better. Character Design: Again, same thing as Story development. I tried very hard to fit my OC into this story, to make him seem like he belonged in this story. I thought well about his words, his actions and all that. Could I improve it? Absolutely there is room for improvement. Why? Because I am a noob writer. World Background: I plan to change some world backgrounds. Such as bringing in my own explanation. Sometimes expanding it and showing some parts of the town that weren't there or were shown just once and forgotten next. So, yeah. I am probably forgetting to mention some other important stuff before clicking post... Hmm... Leave a proper review because it helps me to improve. I am will be deleting bots or if I check your acc and all your reviews are trolls, i will be deleting those as well... Hmmm... I am really forgetting something important I feel it... Check out my random stories? It involves some fanfictions but also some random original stories that come up... Also check out my Flash fanfiction? it was my first story, so the early chapters might be a little awkward but if you push through it, it'll be better.... What else... Idk... Enjoy?

Stranger Things: What if


Liked by 25 people




Hi night, hope you are well. May I ask if you will be carrying on with this novel? I have found myself coming back to check once a week to see if there were any updates anyway hope life is good for you.

Night132:I event considered given no stars or just 1 stars. Mainly because I don't like reviewing my own work and let others give honest reviews :P

I event considered given no stars or just 1 stars. Mainly because I don't like reviewing my own work and let others give honest reviews :P

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Thanks for this review, haven’t started yet but the review seems honest so I’m giving it a try


please continue the story


me wondering where the book went....