
Review Detail of Prince_nonchalant in Her Once Upon A Time Boyfriend

Review detail


This is a pleasant book to read, no doubt. I usually don't find myself hooked to mafia books because they're super common and a lot of people flock to write them these days. But this book offers something unique that actually brought a special taste to my mouth. I must say the starting chapter is pretty good, legit. It just jumps into a dangerous scene and I personally love books that do these. I'll detail my review below. Synopsis: Honestly, not the strongest imo. It's not bad either as you don't flood it with information that makes it sound like a prologue like many do these days but it could use some more flavor. Your synopsis fails to highlight just how good your book actually is. Writing Quality: Top notch. Fabulous grammar, especially when compared to many books on this platform. Maybe there are a few issues with punctuations and tense usage like when to use "is and was" but otherwise, it's amazing. It's FAR from unreadable so if someone complains about grammar, they're lying. I graded this a full 5 though I would have put it at a 4.8 but WN doesn't allow that so take the 5. You earned it. Stability of Updates: Not been with the story long enough to say but from what I'm seeing, seems decent. 5. Story Development: Also one of the book's strong points. The story isn't too fast or too slow. It's perfect in terms of pacing and the author does well in bringing around small hints, foreshadowing, and information. 5 Character Design: Well done. The descriptions are fluid and creates the image perfectly for the reader. It won't leave readers guessing about any details of the characters because everything is more or less done for them. 5. World Background: Ah... This cost you the full 5. I'm not sure if I missed anything. If I did then let me know and I'll literally delete this review and rewrite it. (I read fast and sometimes space out while reading, thinking about stuff so it's possible I missed). But I didn't see where much was said about the world where the characters are in. Descriptions seemed to be lacking in this area and so I gave this a flat 4. Overall: Awesome book. Readers who love mafia stuff, this is it for you. This adds even more elements to the mafia genre which just makes it a lot more unique and enjoyable. The author has great potential and should keep striving to do better. Kudos and keep you the good work! Score: 4.8

Her Once Upon A Time Boyfriend


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