
Review Detail of Charlie_Guynn in Bloody Leveling!

Review detail


This is by far my favorite of all Classless Ascensions work but i cant place exactly what makes it so great is the world, is it the characters sure they're some of the best in the biz but i think the real reason is the humanity Josh Motherfucking Malum is a guy who destroyed the largest crime syndicate by himself, Jack O'Niel is a pro infinite player who fought against Chaos Maleficent who was an Ancient Nihility Dragon i dont even know what that mean and then have Jack Bright who works for the SC-wrong Jack but you get my point Nex Xander is a relatively normal guy he cant overthrow the underworld and he isn't unlunky to the point of world ending I think thats why i like this novel.

Bloody Leveling!


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