
Review Detail of VamPyr00 in Gamer in Overlord

Review detail


Sorry to say that I dropped this at chapter 12. If I get the motivation back I might continue but I figured I'd go ahead and give my review. Writing quality is pretty good so 5*. I don't care about updates so 5*. Story development...is terrible. The first 10 chapters have absolutely nothing relevant to Overlord in them and mostly just talk about his Gamer abilities and his first Zombie ID dungeon. Chapter 11ish he finally starts the game of YGGDRASIL and then...immediately has a 1 year time skip and starts talking about his Gamer abilities again. Overall, since this is an OVERLORD story, I give story development 2*. If I wanted to read a story about only Gamer stuff, I would have just looked up a Gamer story and not an OVERLORD one. Character design is...bad. The MC makes extremely superficial decisions on EVERYTHING. Wants to be a 'battle mage' or something like that? Puts all stat points in INT, ignoring mana regen and anything to do with the word 'BATTLE'. No problem though, because later on the author just gives him skills that multiply his mana capacity and gives him a permanent 1% mana regen per second. Basically, the MC thinks like a child. As for other characters? There aren't any. None relevant enough to mention at least, except maybe his AI gamer system called Ava or something. Basically the entire story is just MC internally monologuing. World Background is...abysmal. Author seems much more focused on MC's Gamer abilities and giving him new and extremely OP powers instead of looking up facts about the OVERLORD universe. He created a random (likely not Canon compliant) starting race, created spells out of nowhere (ignoring the nice tier spell list that can be found easily), and many other small details that any true fan of Overlord would pick up on immediately. Author is much too focused on the Gamer power MC received for his wish and basically ignores everything to do with the Overlord universe (up to chapter 12 at least). Even when he puts information about it, he simply summarizes something and half the time his information is wrong. Overall I give World Background 2*. Sadly, none of this is even my primary problem with this fic. My main problem is with the Gamer system. You see, he cannot use the Gamer system (gifted to him by god) within YGGDRASIL for some reason. Author states it is because the game is "In his brain" but that makes no sense at all. How is the Gamer system tied to the MC? Is it only tied to his body? Wouldn't that mean he would lose it when he goes to the New World if that is the case? IF he keeps it when going to the New World then the ONLY possibility is that it is tied to his soul or consciousness, which makes sense considering its origins. Since that is the case, why wouldn't it work inside the game as well? It should be tied to his soul, which should be tied to his mind/consciousness so it should work, but it doesn't. On top of that, Author has decided to mix up the 2 systems when he goes to the New World for some reason, making ratios for what stats are worth and such. Overall, it is just a confusing mess. Not to mention that Author clearly didn't want to deal with the Wisdom stat at all so it makes me wonder why he even included it in the status menu. Overall, I only recommend this to readers who REALLY enjoy ONLY Gamer systems and not plot. In 12 chapters the plot can be summed up as this: 1. MC gets power. 2. MC goes to new world. 3. MC starts a game. That is basically it. 12 chapters worth of talking about his powers and starting a game with a 1 year time skip and a lot of summarizing. D I S A P P O I N T I N G !

Gamer in Overlord


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