
Review Detail of Nemo_2837 in Reborn as Rhaenyra's Twin - (House of the Dragon)

Review detail


suspiciously their are no comments with less that 4 star . there are always people who will dislike or even hate a fic no matter how good it is . for the records this fic isn't that good either it average u can say interesting idea , a somewhat good plot , poor execution and language lack of details .

Reborn as Rhaenyra's Twin - (House of the Dragon)


Liked by 8 people




I don't understand people if u think u can do better give a work of your own and stop harassing people in what they enjoy doing to to the author its ur story write any way u like if u want wrong spelling it fine should see mine would claw ur eyes in horror along with the Grammer


Is there seggs and harem in your dxd fanfic ?

The content has been deleted

yup I have seen long standing fics on top of power ranking having less ratings than this fic


Sorry, it’s hard to understand what you mean by ‘language lack of details’.., For someone who can’t spell ‘suspiciously’ and has no idea how to say “for the record” (not ‘records’, dumb dumb).., I don’t get your criticism. Not to mention how there are reviews less than 4 stars. Did you even check before you spewed nonsense? Feel free to post a review at whatever star rating you so choose. Just don’t expect me to understand it, as I have a sad amount of trust in your intelligence.


when some one start insulting u without additing constructive anything to the conversation they aren't really worth arguing with !!! you almost had me fooled there about the spelling mistake ( looks like u don't really have a good grasp of vocabulary yourself) I am not that well versed in English u see it the isn't my 1 st language .

ssyffix:Sorry, it’s hard to understand what you mean by ‘language lack of details’.., For someone who can’t spell ‘suspiciously’ and has no idea how to say “for the record” (not ‘records’, dumb dumb).., I don’t get your criticism. Not to mention how there are reviews less than 4 stars. Did you even check before you spewed nonsense? Feel free to post a review at whatever star rating you so choose. Just don’t expect me to understand it, as I have a sad amount of trust in your intelligence.

for the intelligence comment - at time when this review was posted the comment rang true and u didn't respond after half a month u came and insult me unnecessarily , accuse me of laying . it seems to me that u simply assume all the who don't post positive comments are idiots for not recognising the (non - existent) worth of your fic

ssyffix:Sorry, it’s hard to understand what you mean by ‘language lack of details’.., For someone who can’t spell ‘suspiciously’ and has no idea how to say “for the record” (not ‘records’, dumb dumb).., I don’t get your criticism. Not to mention how there are reviews less than 4 stars. Did you even check before you spewed nonsense? Feel free to post a review at whatever star rating you so choose. Just don’t expect me to understand it, as I have a sad amount of trust in your intelligence.

they are getting really toxic these days aren't they

ssyffix:Sorry, it’s hard to understand what you mean by ‘language lack of details’.., For someone who can’t spell ‘suspiciously’ and has no idea how to say “for the record” (not ‘records’, dumb dumb).., I don’t get your criticism. Not to mention how there are reviews less than 4 stars. Did you even check before you spewed nonsense? Feel free to post a review at whatever star rating you so choose. Just don’t expect me to understand it, as I have a sad amount of trust in your intelligence.

Whatever you said, regardless of whether I agree, is a legitimate point, and for you to share it is great for this web novel stuff and storytelling in general. Don't take to heart any of my demeaning of how you delivered your opinion, just as I don't take to heart yours. And thank you for explaining your circumstances regarding your language barrier, how you perceived the lack of less-than-4 star reviews as disingenuous on my part, and how you felt that I assumed those who don't post positive comments are idiots. I don't want to take anything away from how you felt about the story, or how you felt about how I replied to your feedback. It's a good case study in communication. You started your review with a definite idea about the review deletion, which made the rest of your review seem linear, as if from a child who did not stop and think about it for five seconds to confirm the facts. It was hard to see the rest of your review as genuine after that point, as it directly insulted my intelligence. I pray you identify the wrong in your delivery with the same speed and diligence it took you to double-check suspiciously

Nemo_2837:for the intelligence comment - at time when this review was posted the comment rang true and u didn't respond after half a month u came and insult me unnecessarily , accuse me of laying . it seems to me that u simply assume all the who don't post positive comments are idiots for not recognising the (non - existent) worth of your fic

Meanwhile, by the time it takes me to improve as writer on the stuff you said, we'll all be looking like this! (jk I'll make you proud)

Nemo_2837:when some one start insulting u without additing constructive anything to the conversation they aren't really worth arguing with !!! you almost had me fooled there about the spelling mistake ( looks like u don't really have a good grasp of vocabulary yourself) I am not that well versed in English u see it the isn't my 1 st language .

I would like to know as well

Sabaroth_zarkiel:Is there seggs and harem in your dxd fanfic ?