
Review Detail of Lorenzo_Kim in Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player

Review detail


!**HONEST REVIEW: Someone who has read 287 Chapters**! If you're still on the fence about this novel, please read my review. *Quick TLDR*: This novel follows Kieran who, like many other MC's from VR/LitRPG novels, has transmigrated and reborn into a younger version of himself. Let me first tell you that this novel is definitely unique and follows the class of Berserkers but it is moulded in a way where the future of not just Berserkers but all classes to be balanced [but I wont say more than this for it will be spoilers so you'll have to read to know :P]. However, the best thing about this novel that makes it stand alone from many other novels is not something crazy but something extremely fundamentals that most novels are missing these days- Common Sense and Writing Quality. **PROS** - Maths - Hey, I know what you're thinking. "What the ***k maths?* Yes and I'll tell you why. How many of you have read novels where the MC has obtained an item that increases his/her stats by 15%? Many of them right? But here's the difference. The maths in this novel makes sense and it is tracked throughout the novel. So many other novels have the protagonist receive items with amazing buffs but then they totally eclipse the Status Window from readers from that point onwards. That is because other authors (1) can't do the maths or (2) they just calculate it wrong. The other great thing about maths in this novel is that it is not shoved down my oesophagus like other novels to prove that the author can do maths. It's just there and whenever you check, it makes sense. - Quests - Big Pro of this novel is the depth and quality of the quests. This is attributed to Kieran being involved in higher level quests which demand more time, more meticulous preparation and it is logical as some of these quests can not be done alone. Some novels advertise world-level quests as being capable of being solo'd. Sounds great when reading but fails to emulate a realistic setting. This novel doesn't do that. Kieran is completing a ******-level quest (omitted for spoiler purposes) where the quest is going to hugely impact the game on a grand scale and the party requirement is not [1]. Why? Because what type of game lets one single player dictate the rise and fall of new arcs? Even now, I think a whole party completely such quests is too little but the ApexPen (author) has managed to convince me otherwise with the level of complexity and stages of each quests. - World Background - This another one of my favourites for this novel. And before I go on, when I say world-background I don't mean kingdom-building. They, to me are two separate things. The world inside Zenith Online is huge, astronomical but that's the good thing. There is so much mystery and NPC's have such incredible backgrounds you might even mistake them for characters. Even when players log off, you have assess to what the NPC's perceive about such a phenomenon from their perspective. Furthermore, there has been alluding to readers that the world we are in might not be all it seems and that there is more depth, more gravity to everything that happens. - Writing + Vocabulary + Grammar - This is probably ApexPen's biggest strength. The writing style, vocabulary and grammar are so well done, impeccable to be honest and it is vivid. I love love books where authors either have an amazing editor or the way they write is so seamless. It really helps a novel with its' flow and tempo. Nothing else to say but chef's kiss. - Butterfly effect - A short pro but an important one. Everything Kieran has an effect and he notices too which is so fascinating as it shows his awareness of his actions. **CONS** - Slow Kingdom Building - I find that this is a concern for a lot of readers, however, following the words of a famous saying, "You can't build a great building on a weak foundation. You must have a solid foundation if you're going to have a strong superstructure." However, in saying that I do agree that the kingdom building is slow. Albeit, understanding the reasons why, I do hope the author can intertwine bits and pieces and aspects of it into the novel soon to stimulate and help readers envision the big picture of what our world of Zenith Online will look like. - Lack of a standout villian/s - The main con with this is that currently, there is no real stand out villain. Perhaps that is due to the author wanting to create a strong background for Kieran before we meet our first villain. But, in hindsight, there is no young masters who idiotically run to their demise either. Enemies with thoughts? Wow shocking right xD? - Internal dilemma about item allocation to teammates - This is more of a personal one but I wish to see more of Kieran thinking about the items he gets. For example, (this example does not happen in the story so not spoilers!) If Kieran fights a boss and it drops a mythic grade lightning staff, I hope there is more internal thoughts about allocation and whether or not he should give this to someone he's friends with or someone with greater potential. Even something along the lines of "oh if I manage to recruit this exceptional mage from my memories in the past, I can lure him/her with this item or make it a conditional offer to further persuade them to join me." I know Kieran is on the path of the great, but it is also because of that, that I hope for him to become an even more complex but intelligent MC who's vision is grand and can achieve great feats not just alone, but with a team of strong and capable people. They don't need to be at his level, he's literally the MC but as long as they can be unparalleled amongst elites and pro players and hold their own. That would be amazing and this includes Sera too! Hope she can fight despite her class (no spoilers :P, you gotta read to know what class she is hehe) *Note to author*: if you ever read this, look man, you're truly doing a great job. Writing a book that satisfies everyone is hard, it really is. The novel is amazing so far and to be honest, any novel that doesn't lack common sense these days is already a great book in my opinion as it is a tell-tale sign of a great author. Don't burn yourself out and hope you understand that many people love this novel. Stay healthy and I always continue to look forward to reading more x. Thanks guys, hope you found it helpful <3

Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player


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He's back after a massive Hiatus. We've all as a group berated him when he came back and acted like nothin happened. He has been given the appropriate amount of Foot to Ass in turn

Lorenzo_Kim:He has not updated or uploaded a new chapter in a long time. No explanation fo the hiatus too. I really liked this Novel but as a reader I can’t hel but feel frustrated because I I looked forward to this novel the most when it was active

First things first, you've truly went all out and outdone yourself by creating an unbiased review where both the strengths and weaknesses of the novel are highlighted with crisp precision. I applaud you for that as I can feel your attachment to the adventure. I understand what you all mean in regards to the kingdom building, however, the sparse seeds that are destined to grow into plot segments have already been sown. (This may be a hint of a spoiler, but nothing major—you're coming up on chapters where there is a focus on creating a force.) In regards to the big bad villain, I have definitely held off on making one because as the name implies, I intend to make them (whether few or many) into an incredible hindrance. Your point about the internal monologue of future allocation is also duly noted, but I can't really comment because I have yet to truly implement matters that require him to contemplate more prudent choices. That would require the presence of a guild. (There is one plot line currently active but he is proactively attempting to draw them in.) Again, I truly appreciate your impartial review and fair judgment of the story. It will continue to expand and all your raised points will be carefully considered.


I’m glad you found it constructive. I really love this novel and I really hope it garners even more attention because It deserves to be in the top 5 at least

ApexPen:First things first, you've truly went all out and outdone yourself by creating an unbiased review where both the strengths and weaknesses of the novel are highlighted with crisp precision. I applaud you for that as I can feel your attachment to the adventure. I understand what you all mean in regards to the kingdom building, however, the sparse seeds that are destined to grow into plot segments have already been sown. (This may be a hint of a spoiler, but nothing major—you're coming up on chapters where there is a focus on creating a force.) In regards to the big bad villain, I have definitely held off on making one because as the name implies, I intend to make them (whether few or many) into an incredible hindrance. Your point about the internal monologue of future allocation is also duly noted, but I can't really comment because I have yet to truly implement matters that require him to contemplate more prudent choices. That would require the presence of a guild. (There is one plot line currently active but he is proactively attempting to draw them in.) Again, I truly appreciate your impartial review and fair judgment of the story. It will continue to expand and all your raised points will be carefully considered.

Is harem?


At this moment there is no indication of Harem. Do you like harem?

Sebastian_Barreto:Is harem?

I like it, but I also like it without a harem. I'm not very picky

Lorenzo_Kim:At this moment there is no indication of Harem. Do you like harem?

Right now, the MC is on his Sigma Phase in the story. He barely sleeps and when he does it's because he was force to by his body.

Sebastian_Barreto:I like it, but I also like it without a harem. I'm not very picky

is it romance...?


Edit: guys the author abandoned this novel…


From where?

Lorenzo_Kim:Edit: guys the author abandoned this novel…

He has not updated or uploaded a new chapter in a long time. No explanation fo the hiatus too. I really liked this Novel but as a reader I can’t hel but feel frustrated because I I looked forward to this novel the most when it was active

Daoistwveffg:From where?

First time reading a detailed review without spoilers....it's good.


Try out this new amazing novel. Really worth a try. Eradawn: Mythos Unveiled


Seriously? Despite its long and tedious passages about the trials, I really liked the story (and the very good writing style).

Lorenzo_Kim:He has not updated or uploaded a new chapter in a long time. No explanation fo the hiatus too. I really liked this Novel but as a reader I can’t hel but feel frustrated because I I looked forward to this novel the most when it was active

tnx for letting us know. I was about to start reading this novel...

Lorenzo_Kim:Edit: guys the author abandoned this novel…