
Review Detail of Yinghuo_392 in My Demon Hunting System

Review detail


Book Title: My Demon Hunting System (Demigod_of_All) Rating: 5 Chapters 30/53 as of 6/13/22 Plot: Excellent The plot is simple and direct. The demon king has returned, and it is up to Ary and his team to save the world by ranking up and defeating them. While the goal is clear, the process is not. They must navigate through realm hunters, demon lords, and demonic beasts. All combined into a world that has its history and culture. It is evident how much love and effort the author demigod_of_all has made into his work. Story flow: Excellent The story flow is straightforward and organized. Ary and his team slowly progress through the narrative as they tackle the problems they encounter and use their wits and guts to win through them. While only one problem is being solved at a time, the entire novel has a lot more going on behind the scenes. The mystery of Ary’s past and the story behind the 1st warrior are the two main points that seem to relate to both the demons and the heavenly realm. Favorite Chapter: Tie Between Chapter 18, She found out | Chapter 19, I will be you forever I couldn’t choose as both chapters were as sweet as sugar; I love the interactions between Ary and This chapter shows how deep the romance is between them; at first, I found Erica incredibly annoying, but I still haven’t read why she fell in love with Ary in the 1st place. The straightforward feelings shared between the two chapters were clear enough and written well enough to be believable. While the actions part of the novel were great, I still like these chapters best as they give a sense of realism to the growth of Ary as a hero. And as a person, I do not believe in getting more vital for its sake. The interactions with Erica gave Ary a weakness and a source of strength. Thus I liked these chapters best. Favorite Character: Erica Kisai I like Erica best because I love yanderes; they are the most believable in these novels. The way she introduced herself as a fiancé was excellent. Also like how she plans to dedicate herself to Ary even if he doesn’t become powerful. The Only thing I wish to change is her fighting style; she is currently speced like a crusader, so she wants not to feel any damage. I think she can do better at the front line since Ary’s team already has a second healer. Three things I liked 1. Inochi How awesome must one be to be feared and respected by the heavenly realm, ancient realm hunters, and even demon lords? When your last name becomes a Red baron. You know you’re da best. I also liked how almost everyone assumes he is the same as the first warrior; while he may tell them he is not, Ary has already set his sights higher than the legend. 2. Romance with Erica As mentioned, while the action parts are good and the leveling system is excellent, demigod_of_all outdid himself with the romance scenes with Erica; they are both believable and genuine. Although parts did turn me off a lot, in general, especially 18 and 19, in which they officially become a couple was heartwarming. 3. 769 Anyone who understands what this number represents would know how big of an impact this number gives. At the same time, it can be attributed to flavor text. The author manages to drive home a point. This isn’t your average self-insert novel. Seven hundred sixty-nine people got called only to be killed. And while I’m sure, the book would not dive into the stories of all of them. Just knowing that Ary is ending the line of corpses is enough to make me feel better. Let his and Erica’s lives be the last. The implications of this number increasing are just too sad. I don’t know about others but seeing the history of the brother and sister. I hope the author uses this more. It makes the entire journey much more significant when one knows it was done on the blood and bones of over 700 lives. 3 Things I didn't like 1. Demon Ranking For what possible purpose would the ranking not follow the alphabet but still use letters from it. It would be better to share how the standard was made; otherwise, for people at the beginning, it just sounds uninspired and annoying as the warrior classification follows the standard alphabet. Even with a plot point behind it, an explanation at least would be expected to help the audience remember. 2. Armita’s Perverted mission. While one may think that the whole point of this was to ensure Erica becomes a sub-warrior to Ary. This entire chain of paragraphs serves no purpose aside from making people excited. If the goal was just to get Erica to drink blood, getting her to suck poison or lick Ary’s wounds or even saliva from indirect kisses would be better. The leap in logic for this perverted mission to get Erica promoted to a warrior makes the entire thing feel cheap and uninspired. 3. Aphrodisiac Effect on Warrior Similar to number two, I cannot understand why this mechanic needs to be included in the Warriors system as Ary and Erica already confirmed they love each other. This mechanic makes their romance feel fake as the passion that started it all is a side effect of some unreleased urge. This mechanic could be removed entirely, and the romance would still be able to stand on its own. Aside from the general benefits of writing bed scenes, I cannot see how this mechanic helps the novel with its intended tone. This would make sense if the main couple hated each other, and they slowly developed affection from this system. As our couple is already in love, we could remove this system and still write the necessary scenes. It is entirely pointless. Actual review demigod_to_all has crafted an incredible story; it involves a young boy who grew up in the absence of love to continue to fight against horrors he shouldn’t even need to but choose to do so. Combat and romance are top-notch. Some components are downright irritating, but they do not detract from the experience. The leveling system and the world-building are also well done. The care and love showered in this work by the author are self-evident. While there are a lot of typos and grammar issues to be found, the intent behind them is clear, so it isn’t harmful to the point where you cannot understand the general flow. Pacing and story flow are well done. How Ary’s history, the Inoichi warrior, and the quest to defeat the demon lords all tie in together shows how well though off the world is. The relationship between the three is evident even though I read only until chapter 30. Overall I tip my hat to demigod_to_all and would like to congratulate him on getting this novel contracted. It is well done and would make people reading it evokes some emotions and allow people to escape from the issues of life as WN novels are supposed to. In that regard, this novel is already a complete success—more power to you, demigod_to_all.

My Demon Hunting System


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Is the mc gonna be type of the person who will save people left and right and even sacrifice his life for some random people?


I'm honoured. Thanks a lot for giving your precious time to my novel.


This is indeed a good question. I don't know too I wanna know too.

Lokoso_Traya:Is the mc gonna be type of the person who will save people left and right and even sacrifice his life for some random people?

Oh, no. MC only cares about people that he knows. If you want an MC that cares and protect everyone then sorry it's not for you.

Lokoso_Traya:Is the mc gonna be type of the person who will save people left and right and even sacrifice his life for some random people?

Nah i prefer this type of mc, And so Thanks for the reply!

Demigod_of_All:Oh, no. MC only cares about people that he knows. If you want an MC that cares and protect everyone then sorry it's not for you.

I think that 99.99% of people actually likes thus type of Mc more. At least in a novel. In a anime a naive all caring Mc can be fun because we never really get to read the Mc's thoughts. Overall the Mc nearly always in series like that are never anyone's favorite. The only way I personally can enjoy a all caring hero Mc is when they end up turning into a anti hero after experiencing some tragedy early on in the series.

Demigod_of_All:Oh, no. MC only cares about people that he knows. If you want an MC that cares and protect everyone then sorry it's not for you.

This is so sad every time I reread my comments on webnovel there is always some word that I have accidentally spelt wrong.

Lazy_Chicken_God:I think that 99.99% of people actually likes thus type of Mc more. At least in a novel. In a anime a naive all caring Mc can be fun because we never really get to read the Mc's thoughts. Overall the Mc nearly always in series like that are never anyone's favorite. The only way I personally can enjoy a all caring hero Mc is when they end up turning into a anti hero after experiencing some tragedy early on in the series.

Wow, that's actualy a really good review! Good Job!


Thank you. Give the novel a try its good.

Lord_Heydrich:Wow, that's actualy a really good review! Good Job!

No. I never do so.

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