
Review Detail of Poet_Legion in Void Evolution System

Review detail


just so everyone knows coming up is a complete text-to-speech unedited and my full opinion. and before I get to the review if you don't want to read all of it and just want the short version here it is. the entire first 30 chapters of this novel are plagiarized of a different novel. our author has the main character go through the exact same stuff in the exact same way with the exact same outcome going against the exact same creatures in a dungeon that has the exact same premise. basically the author just completely ripped off another novel and if you want to read the in-depth version it's right after this. okay so the novel that this author is ripping off it's arifuerta . a relatively successful novel that even has an anime adapted after it and also a manga. I'm not going to get into exactly what is plagiarized because that's too much work but I will give you a few points. both characters are betrayed for absolutely no reason by some selfish a****** who wants to pursue the main girl. he gets locked in a dungeon and for some reason begins to lose himself for almost no particular reasoning. they fight the exact same creatures with the exact same outcomes getting almost the exact same abilities. the world background is almost the exact same with very few tweaks added so that it's not a complete plagiarism. I'm not going to explain all of it because it's too much work and I'm very lazy and if you want to know what it is then just go read the original novel arifuerta or even just go watch the first two episodes of the anime or the first five chapters of the manga and then come back and read for the first 20 chapters of this novel and you'll realize just how unoriginal the author had to be for the start of the book. and the sad part is is I don't know if it gets any better. the premise sounded really interesting but it doesn't matter anymore because after having all the gears clicking place and realize just how blatant the author was with his plagiarism I can't keep reading. you can tell me that the novel becomes infinitely better but I'd have to still put up with another 20 chapters of the author shamelessly taking from different novels and not even changing the plot development I wouldn't be able to do it. I wouldn't even care that the novel was semi plagiarized or even just took heavy inspiration from if it was written any better than the original novel. but it's not. this novel is chock full of what can quite literally only be called cringe. and if not cringe just downright and embarrassment of a character. with the author making everything as edgy as possible in order to maybe make it seem like the character truly is going insane but instead we haven't seen like a third grader wanted to write a novel and the only thing he can think of is the word kill kill whenever the main character does something that is slightly morally gray or has his emotions spiraling out of control. once again I wouldn't care about this novel being heavy-handed with its Inspirations if it was just written better. overall the grammar isn't too bad itself but it's the way the author implements the main character and his rationale that really degrades the story. he goes for what is essentially years on end massacring beasts with no remorse. for a matter of fact many of those beasts were probably trying to fight back desperately with their life on the line, run away in order to make sure that they could raise their cubs or maybe even prolificate their bloodline more. the main character killed them all regardless of how much of a spark of Life they had in their eyes how much of a determination they had. and it's even mentioned earlier on that the main character has no remorse for them regardless of how well off it seems that they want to be. if that makes any sense. but the reason I'm bringing it up is because the author puts a beast companion in who the only reason the main character doesn't kill them even though the main character can tell that he would improve by probably double to Triple his current power level if he killed the Beast and devoured it is because he has a flame of wanting to survive in his eyes. you heard that right something that every other single Beast he's killed has also had you didn't stop him is for some reason stopping him when it comes to this certain Beast. it makes no sense to me and I can't even begin to comprehend why the author thought it was a good idea to put that in there. I don't even care that there's a companion coming along that just makes the novel more interesting but the fact that the author had to make it come about in such a stupid way proves that he really isn't good at writing. and once again I am very harsh in my words I do not care who sees this this is my unfiltered opinion at 1:00 a.m. for me and I haven't slept in a day. so I'm letting all my thoughts out on this novel. the biggest send that this novel does is really give you what sounds like an interesting development that could potentially happen. a main character who realizes he can no longer grow Stronger by the normal means and doesn't figure out a way that he potentially could and instead makes do with his life. everyone knows that that would probably be a very interesting story on how he could power up and how he could become better. yet for some reason someone who has never interested in the roles of power and never wanted anything to do with getting stronger after he realized he couldn't magnificently figures out everything that should ever have happened and or will happen for him regarding power levels just because he f***** up one time. you heard that right he gained magical knowledge that he never had access to after messing up one time with no explanation behind it.

Void Evolution System


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A lot of things are explained later on but I see your points.


I will add on to this. the reason I read on despite this, his devouring powers and opness, stops being used at some point and hasn't for like the last 100 chapters I have read (finnaly dropping at around ch 200). chapter by chapter his advantage over others have dissappeard, now people of similar level who can rival him are popping up left and right, all the time. yet not a single time during mulitple training skips has he thought about finding beasts to devour.