
Review Detail of IRTendor in Elden Ring: the Carian lion

Review detail


At the moment I am writing this review, I am at chapter 6. Not sure if what I have to say has already been fixed or not, but here it goes. As far as the story is concerned? It's pretty much perfect. It has a solid pacing - Not too laggy, not too rushed. The concepts are introduced and used in a way I can understand and get behind. The only real issue I can find is the use of capital letters, full stops, minor grammatical issues, so and so. I would suggest using Grammarly, as it helps solve most of these issues (At the same time, grammarly itself makes silly mistakes sometimes, so keep an eye for some details). Really loving the book. Hope you won't drop it. Good luck👍

Elden Ring: the Carian lion


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