
Review Detail of GodlyShade in Elden Ring: the Carian lion

Review detail


Writing quality: Really good. It doesn’t feel empty and lifeless like most fanfics on this website. Keeps you engaged in the story. Chapters are pretty long and you don’t even realize 30 minutes have passed and you read 5-7 chapters until something takes you out of it. Some things don’t seem to make sense but it’s hinted it will be cleared up later. Updating stability: Seems good so far. Not really much to say Story development: It started off pretty slow but sped up rally quick all of a sudden. Although a bit quick. I don’t mind. I’d rather have a story be short and good than long and boring. Character design: Characters seem realistic enough. Love how the MC is doing rn. Used my favorite weapon type so it added a lot of points here. Don’t know much about the MC yet. It will build up World background: Elden ring. So can’t really say much besides the author is using a lot of lore and background building. It’s not always in the POV of the MC so you can see how the other characters are doing.

Elden Ring: the Carian lion


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