
Review Detail of TFH in Reincarnated in the Katsuragi Family

Review detail


Well... The start is not really good, the rest of the story is also VERY DARK, as over 300 women of different animes have been brainwashed and used as toys by evil characters in that world and the MC is also very GREY, he could care less who died so long as it dosnt affects him... author also wasted like 3 or 4 chapters with showing what skills he can buy. That was a complete waste of time, its fine showing a few skills so he can choose.. but... over 50 of them? i just skipped the whole thing until he made his decision on what to buy. After that things progress and he is reincarnated. His new world is a mix up of hundreds of animes and.... Well, its NOT be a safe place, other people have Powers too and they use them for evil. Also, the amount of inconsistencies is huge, one min mc says 15, the next chapter is 10 and the next one is 13 and so on. For example, MC rescues? a group of kidnapped brainwashed women. The author said that the kidpannings have been happening for 1 whole year, that the slaves auction mc found was the 10th one, that at least 10 women were brainwashed and sold each month, but he finds out only 25 women were sold? when the women sold is over 100 and that another whole all girls schools were also brainwashed and impregnanted?, even during the very auction, it was said that they prepared 15 "Items (women)" but when he rescues them there are 10... I got tired to point out the inconsistencies in this. Author dosnt seem to care about reading comments, so its not worth the time either. Final warning. This is DARK, by my expectations. Around 200-300 women of differents animes have been râpêd over the course of 1 year with over 30 of them becoming pregnant more than once (abortion). This includes ALL the girls of "LOVE LIVE! idols anime", Mamako from Okaasan Online and others not mentioned.

Reincarnated in the Katsuragi Family


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Bro, you have my worship for reading this


Reading this I lost the interest I had😒😒😔😔


what kind of monstrosity is this??


You saved me from wasting my time reading this you have my gratitude.



So basically multiverse asanagi doujin?