
Review Detail of Vanaxity in I Transmigrated As A Prison Guard And Suppressed The Princess

Review detail


I Transmigrated as a Prison Guard and Suppressed the Princess is a story about Xiao Ran, someone who became a prison guard and got a cheat that allows him to get various rewards for imprisoning/executing criminals. I can't really say this novel is any good to be honest. It's another one of those novels with a weird synopsis that doesn't really tell you anything, the clickbait form of novels. Translation quality is meh. It's fairly decent compared to some other novels but it isn't that great overall. (4/5 stars) Story development is awful. So, we immediately are thrown into the middle of the story to prevent readers from forming any sort of attachment to the main character. The author only throws us some vague monologues about how the main character transmigrated/got his system. Now, this is basically a typical overpowered main character cultivation novel. He constantly fights super-weak enemies that he can easily one shot, yet somehow this takes multiple chapters. He gets so many rewards it's ridiculous. Aside from that, the main character imprisons the princess. She cultivated a evil technique and will occasionally flare up with evil symptoms. The only way to stop this (apparently) is for the main character to continuously punch her in the face. The first time it happened, it was somewhat amusing. Second time it happened I'm already bored. The fifth time it happened I realized the author was literally just copy and pasting what happened previously. A lot of people will say "author copy and pastes" to show how repetitious the plot is, but the author in this novel literally copy and pastes the same situation over and over again. Furthermore, no one questions why several plots to break into the prison and break someone out mysteriously fail. Not the prison, nor the people on the outside. Everyone just thinks they slipped and died or something. Anyway, super boring, bland, etc. (1/5 stars) Character design isn't great either. Main character is absolutely emotionless. The author pulled out every stop in order to prevent people from forming any sort of attachment with the main character. Aside from that, every character follows typical cultivation plot. An IQ of 60 is considered top-tier genius level where you are basically omniscient. Average IQ is about 10. Theres no character in this novel that is likeable, every character is as bland as the last. Theres nothing to keep you hooked either. (2/5 stars) World background is questionable. We have the land the main character is in, known for not letting any criminal escape from the prison. In forty chapters, theres already been MANY prison escapes that would've happened without the main character. Evil runs rampant in the land so much I wonder how the kingdom even functions. Aside from that, why even have a prison? This is a cultivation world where if the prison failed, there are now hundreds of powerful evil cultivators running rampant with a grudge towards your land. Just kill them. There is no merit to having a prison in the first place. (2/5 stars) Overall, zero thought was put into this novel. It's a mindless overpowered main character cultivation novel. Characters are bland and boring, story makes no sense, and world background is filled with a ridiculous amount of holes. I give this novel 2.8 stars out of 5.


I Transmigrated As A Prison Guard And Suppressed The Princess

Little Bai Takes Flight

Liked by 29 people




I agree .. this an absolute trash waste of time...