
Review Detail of diamondfire_shadow in My Second Life in Another World

Review detail


Personally as much as I would love to give this FF five stars in every category from my taste this is the absolute most I can give for this FF. First off the writing quality is great. Better than pretty much every fanfic I’ve read on this site save a select few. Very few grammatical errors and an extremely small amount of spelling errors from what I have saw so all good there Second update stability. I haven’t been reading this for a very long time but from what I have seen and how quickly new chapters have been released it is very consistent so no problems there either Third story development is also very good and have very few complaints there however the few that I have are very broad and generally don’t matter much however from my point of view this FF could be a lot better especially when I comes too how the world around him reacts to most of his actions (by him I mean MC). Many of the reactions do seem genuine but some of them seem far fetched, plausible but in some ways can be seen as such. Fourth character design is great. Many of the characters seem real and alive which personally is very pleasing to read. At first it seemed that that may not be the case but after a few chapters it became the truth and the FF became much more enjoyable after that. The personality types that you chose for certain characters although sometimes annoying are somewhat believable and very likeable. The MC has a pretty realistic and not very idiotic personality an did relatable which I am thankful for because it makes the story so much more enjoyable. Fifth the world background. Since the only background that is being used is solo leveling there isn’t much that in my opinion can be said. The author used the background and plot of SL beautifully and integrated the MC into the world in a cliche way but made it work and didn’t completely disregard it a few chapters later but made it used for character development throughout the story which was pleasing. Now adding that fact may not even be on topic so I’ll add this. He has given me a firm image of what the world looks and acts like not only around the MC but the characters surrounding him as well All in all a very enjoyable FF and I am looking forward to more chapters

My Second Life in Another World


Liked by 154 people




Hi Mr. Author I have been really enjoying your book and was thinking of becoming a member on your other site, how many of the r-18 chapters are exclusive to pat****?

OVERLOAD69:I see a fellow mtl'er here.

I haven’t finished reading the first chapter, but your tripping about the grammar. A few paragraphs in and I noticed quite a few mistakes… the grammar seemed subpar at best but I’ll see if your words hold true in the later chapters.


I am far from a good reader but to me the grammar was passable and I was comparing it to other works I have read on this site. I personally see where you are coming from in it being subpar but so far I have had very little difficulty in reading and understanding what the author was trying to portray. Also I am horrible at catching spelling mistakes unless they are obvious so there is also that.

DaoOfCulture:I haven’t finished reading the first chapter, but your tripping about the grammar. A few paragraphs in and I noticed quite a few mistakes… the grammar seemed subpar at best but I’ll see if your words hold true in the later chapters.

I see a fellow mtl'er here.

diamondfire_shadow:I am far from a good reader but to me the grammar was passable and I was comparing it to other works I have read on this site. I personally see where you are coming from in it being subpar but so far I have had very little difficulty in reading and understanding what the author was trying to portray. Also I am horrible at catching spelling mistakes unless they are obvious so there is also that.

I think I get what you mean but I am not sure

OVERLOAD69:I see a fellow mtl'er here.

like when you read too many machine translated novels you get the auto correct in your brain and then even a badly written novel looks ok.

diamondfire_shadow:I think I get what you mean but I am not sure

but have you keeping up with the fic I have seen you around for months,

diamondfire_shadow:I think I get what you mean but I am not sure

Ah okay

OVERLOAD69:like when you read too many machine translated novels you get the auto correct in your brain and then even a badly written novel looks ok.

No haven’t really been reading it. The only one of your fics that I was reading was the other one with Marin. No offence but it started to go downhill after you hit the hundred chapter mark so I stopped at 120ish. Might start again tho

OVERLOAD69:but have you keeping up with the fic I have seen you around for months,


diamondfire_shadow:No haven’t really been reading it. The only one of your fics that I was reading was the other one with Marin. No offence but it started to go downhill after you hit the hundred chapter mark so I stopped at 120ish. Might start again tho

fancy seeing you here



Apolonchene06:fancy seeing you here

does the mc use clones?


for fights yes,

DaoistmXBnrL:does the mc use clones?

no clones in lemons then?

OVERLOAD69:for fights yes,

nowhere near the girls unless it is for protection or playing food on the table,

DaoistmXBnrL:no clones in lemons then?

thank you

OVERLOAD69:nowhere near the girls unless it is for protection or playing food on the table,


OVERLOAD69:like when you read too many machine translated novels you get the auto correct in your brain and then even a badly written novel looks ok.


You, good sir, had convinced me to give to FF a try! I will come back here in the future to update my review of this FF after reading.


The writing quality is great? Did we read the same thing? At chapter 40 onwards I can hardly find a paragraph without some kind of mistake 😂😂