
Review Detail of Stormzz in To reborn is to live

Review detail


There isn't enough of the novel to give a full review yet. The pacing and introduction to the plot and world is interesting, but let down by poor punc. and grammar. The second chapter was a lot better than the first though. I'd recommend reading back through and fixing your mistakes (Missing capitalisation, double periods, no markers for internal monologue I noticed) and it will improve a lot. Other than that keep writing!!

To reborn is to live


Liked by 1 people




Thanks for the honest review ill start to proofreader later on today and update the chapters so hopefully all the mistakes are fixed


No worries! Like I said the most important thing is to keep updating. You'll end up getting a feel for it with time.

_Lunar_:Thanks for the honest review ill start to proofreader later on today and update the chapters so hopefully all the mistakes are fixed