
Review Detail of Erkonomic in Dual System: Ascension of A Nameless Nobody

Review detail


So far it’s a cool story but it does not make any sense to me. God shows up and says that humans are too sinful and deserve to be destroyed, so first point that confuses me is that not everyone is sinful and he’s punishing even the innocent ones which doesn’t seem very benevolent to me like he claims. And second he does not punish the behavior that he claims is why humanity is a failure. As long as you get strong enough you can do whatever you want, which makes the story confusing, silly, and annoying. Regardless I’m very interested in reading it, I just wish the reasonings were different

Dual System: Ascension of A Nameless Nobody


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It's not confusing to understand the author literally explained it to you. "God" in this story is not meant to be understood for his reasonings, "God" in this story is the driving factor for the story to take place and is part of the reason the main character decides to become stronger, that's it. There's no need to explain exactly the reason, the reason he does give is contradictory so it's best to not even see him as a God like irl but more like a God like being that we see in similar stories like this.

Erkonomic:I’m confused as to why the author decided to go this route

I'm not trying to sound rude, but...are you serious? It's not that difficult to read even an inch deeper than what this "God" is telling you--he's telling you he's benevolent, not the narration. Does he seem that way when he's sending Defects down to slaughter humanity? If you've been reading it, you'd know Jeong-Hui is extremely bitter about this and laments on how unfair this situation is with him not having done anything wrong yet suffering Armageddon nonetheless. So what exactly is confusing you here? It's laid out in the story for you. It's crystal clear that "God" isn't benevolent, he just says he is. It's crystal clear in the Last Bastion / Final Culling that yes, it doesn't actually matter how good or bad you were, the strong survive as the GOETIA System users are still allowed to reach the Tower. I'm responding because it seems you're holding this against the writing itself, when that makes absolutely zero sense to me. It's fine to not like "God" in this story--you're not supposed to. That's...kind of obvious, isn't it?


I’m confused as to why the author decided to go this route

DelzGB:I'm not trying to sound rude, but...are you serious? It's not that difficult to read even an inch deeper than what this "God" is telling you--he's telling you he's benevolent, not the narration. Does he seem that way when he's sending Defects down to slaughter humanity? If you've been reading it, you'd know Jeong-Hui is extremely bitter about this and laments on how unfair this situation is with him not having done anything wrong yet suffering Armageddon nonetheless. So what exactly is confusing you here? It's laid out in the story for you. It's crystal clear that "God" isn't benevolent, he just says he is. It's crystal clear in the Last Bastion / Final Culling that yes, it doesn't actually matter how good or bad you were, the strong survive as the GOETIA System users are still allowed to reach the Tower. I'm responding because it seems you're holding this against the writing itself, when that makes absolutely zero sense to me. It's fine to not like "God" in this story--you're not supposed to. That's...kind of obvious, isn't it?

A benevolent god would be weird, even in the bible god commits mass genecide for petty reasons more than once