
Review Detail of Rome_Drori in Th Heretic

Review detail


writing.suffers from this unbearable slowness, author doesn't know how people talk or think and dialogue is painful to read. Things happen all of a sudden and a Japanese names are shoehorned in for no reason when compared to other more fantasy names. The author seems to want to write a pure angel of a protagonist but can do little more than telling us he takes care of his mother to connect the reader. To the author of you intend to keep writing please take a look at other stories in the same vain, like kumo desu ga nani ka, overlord, average, white fang etc, on other sites, and take some time to see how they build their worlds and dialogue. To end this off words like indeed don't make your writing sound sophisticated the way you use them but rather klunky, please if this is your first novel or you are not studying creative writing and classical literature, avoid the thesaurus problem, by this I don't mean using actually sophisticated words but rather using useless fluff words that mean nothing like indeed and reasonable in an excessive amount. Aside from that novel suffers from the " a woman spoke to me boss, he is very nice, She must be the company manager" syndrome and it's just very hard to read and take seriously. I can't bring myself to recommend this book in it's current state for any reason.as it's just a slog to read and oppressively boring.

Th Heretic


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thank you for all the criticism and suggestions, I will fix what might be the problem