
Review Detail of Rehan_Parmar in Shadow Slave

Review detail


When the novel was in its early phase, there were some reviews on Webnovel saying that Nephis is toxic, so I was reluctant to dive into it. However, once I started reading, I never looked back. I fell in love with Nephis as a character instantly after getting to know her. It may be because I love ice queen characters, and in the beginning, she gave off cold vibes. But later, we get to know she's not an ice queen at all; she's just an introvert like me, with poor communication skills. This made me like her even more. I didn't understand why people claimed she was toxic. She is a very lovable character, and I hope G3 gives more depth to her character. We need to see more about her emotional side, her insecurities, and many other aspects of her personality.

Shadow Slave


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