
Review Detail of Ansraer in Shadow Slave

Review detail


Hmm, I ended up dropping this after around 350 chapters, despite how much I initially liked it. The world-building and initial setup were great, and I really liked the overall story (despite how predictable parts of it were). However, it showed the first signs of weakness at the beginning of the second act (the coast dream). The pacing just became waaay too slow as that arc progressed. That alone wouldn't have been too much of a problem (nothing wrong with a slow-paced but well-written story) if it wasn't for the foreshadowing. Let me explain: the author does a great job weaving an interconnected story, something that is mentioned casually might be really important several hundred chapters later. imo this elevates the story beyond the usual WN and makes it feel more like a well planned book. However, during the second story arc, too much information is given away waaay too early. Basically, the reader can figure out exactly how the arc will end 100-200 chapters too soon. Having to read 150 chapters (a good chunk of which was a fetch quest) while you have already guessed pretty much all the major developments and plot twists is quite tedious. The fact that there is little to no character development happening at the time (I would even argue that some characters are suddenly developing backward) doesn't really help. And then there was the final battle at the end of the dream. Let me preface this by saying that (from what I can remember) I had no major nitpicks with this up to the battle at the top of the spire. At this point, the author spent the last 200 chapters alienating Neph and Cass from both the reader and the MC. Hell, I can't even remember when the MC last talked with Cass. So I have to admit that I wasn't overly disappointed when Sunny tried to kill, eh no, disable Neph. Hell, it would have made for some great developments if he was accused of killing the last member of the immortal family by the clans upon his return. Instead, it is revealed that Cass and Neph already knew his true name for a while when Neph uses it against him. Within one chapter, the MCs main objective and motivation for pretty much everything he has done so far becomes moot. And how does Sunny react? Well, instead of trying to figure out how to get free and take his revenge, he worries about Neph and is in later chapters angry at the ruling families about how they deal with Nephs sacrifice. Sorry, I am not buying it. Given everything we know so far, what I would have expected instead is for him to assassinate both Neph and Cass in the human world instead before they can order him not to do so. Instead, it would appear that the author is trying to force a relationship between the MC and a character that has been portrait as manipulative, calculating and who just did the worst possible thing she could do to the MC with full knowledge of what it means to him. I would love to continue reading this, but after how this arc ended, and especially how Sunny deals with it in the following chapters, I just couldn't. Look, I appreciate that this is not one of those novels where the MC becomes waaaay too OP, but taking away all of a character's agency and then making them be fine with that is not really any better. If anyone who is up to the current chapter is reading this, could they please tell me if this has improved in the latest chapters?

Shadow Slave


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