
Review Detail of Sumato_Gaming in Shadow Slave

Review detail


I'll be honest. Reading this book broke me. From the memorable and absolutely hilarious Sunny, to Cassie and Nelph. Everything about them, how they interacted, the banter. It made me feel so alive. So immersed and captivated. The world building moved me into places I could never imagine. The sea, the polluted earth, the castle, the tower. All of it. It is clear how much thought was put into the characters, the world, the flow of the story, the subtle and not so subtle foreshadowing. Thank you Guiltythree P.s if you see this comment Guiltythree I hope you can answer a question I have. How did you get so good at writing? How do you plan your stories so well?

Shadow Slave


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Thank you very much! The answer is simple: lots, lots of reading. And a lot of writing :]