
Review Detail of Soawn in Shadow Slave

Review detail


Volume 1 is good. Very good. Volume 2- A lot of chapters, do not make sense. The author went along the path of the text, for the sake of the text. Lost dynamics. Volume 2 - a snail crawling in a small circle. The character development in Volume 1 . Volume 2- development canceled and stuck in place. They have become dumber.

Shadow Slave


Liked by 109 people




Volume 2 started with Mc regressed instead of making progress, hiding from everyone scared,no Character development.Volume 2 was God Awful take 1 chp to explain one thing.


The slow pace is relative i start read the novel a few days back so i have a lot of chapters to read and you don't pay much atention pace but when you catch up that when the pain begins

WhoIZIT:Volume 2 started with Mc regressed instead of making progress, hiding from everyone scared,no Character development.Volume 2 was God Awful take 1 chp to explain one thing.

yeah volume two was a hot mess but it gets better


Really??? When does book 3 start because I'm up to chapter 216 and its bloody aweful

_Water_:yeah volume two was a hot mess but it gets better

broo you'll get it just read . believe me just read

Emru:Really??? When does book 3 start because I'm up to chapter 216 and its bloody aweful

Cause some of this commands like "give it a try it'll become better bait me in wasting a lot of time reading past c500 so over 150c after Volume 2 and i can say it's a bait and even became worse (boring and very stretched). Volume 2 maybe breaks the whole story but at least it's intense with the last chapter being the last blow and Volume 3 start like nothing really happened before (just generic banter, grinding, teaming up with traitors cause a friend asked nicely). There is probably later some arc where for a short file it's fine but all of us know already the state that'll stay, it's always a reset. But let's be real it's a fating hope not worth to read hundreds of chapters in between and forgetting all what happened (maybe it's possible when you read it just for action together with many other novels and are not 100% aware of what happened till now).


Hi, never read the book here. I have a filosophy, "a book is as good as it's worse review". Criticism serves as a warning of the misconceptions and actual bad things about the book. I have more than four thousand hours in webnovel and this thought process has proved true. But that is irrelevant. What I trully want to say is. I have heard a lot about this book, from this review section to "the best webnovel in this app". From what I understood from the reviews I read and the people I talked to tjere is a grave difference how the character is portrayed and how he actaully acts. Or else There would not be so much divergent comments. The only reason this novel would be so acclaimed is that it is well writen and the public is unsatisfied with the other well liked novels (often calling them copies of each other) I understand why, but instead of suffering for hours, I would strongly suggest reading japanese light novels to refresh your minds, they don't have the problem of the mc being a literal slave and still depict a completely different mc from this novel I was succesefully warded away from thia book.