
Review Detail of RafaelMitz in The Extra's Survival

Review detail


hmm how to say this... Let's see, it's normal for authors to be inspired by a story to create their own story. The problem was that the author was too inspired by TAP (The Author's POV). The beginning has several elements similar to TAP, and when there are so many similar elements, comparisons are inevitable. To be honest, if you read this story without knowing TAP, you will probably think: "hey, this is a good story". But if you know TAP... as I said, the comparison is inevitable. Let's start with writing. The author needs to improve in this area. It is readable but needs improvement. For me, who use google translate, the errors get worse. Reading the story I think Lucas is not an extra. Lucas is versatile using sword, daggers and powerful magic. He is OP. Lucas is not stupid but also not smart (compared to the MC of TAP). He works hard and trains a lot. He doesn't stay discreet for long. So far there are almost 0 human interactions with the other races. I hope there will be some change soon. At the moment, I believe Lucas is too stuck in the human realm. There are very interesting mysteries in the work about the protagonist's family, evil cults, super powerful beings, gods... This is very good. It seems the author is very wary of Lucas' interaction with other girls. It's as if the author thought: "Lucas is very hot. It's very difficult to write him interacting with other girls of his age without them throwing themselves into his arms". For example, Rose is Fredrick's love interest from the beginning. Nearly 200 chapters and Lucas' interaction with Rose is zero. I do not understand this. I really feel that the author is very cautious about including girls in the story. I don't know if this story will be a harem or not (I must admit that when the mc is as amazing as Lucas, with the potential to be the emperor of everything, I prefer a humble harem of 2 or 3 girls. After all, the good seed has to be spread hehehe The protanonist, the girls and humanity win and are happy) but I ask the author to include female friendships. Come on, aren't there any girls with potential that the mc wants to include in his group? This may even serve to make the princess feel some jealousy and realize her feelings for Lucas. To conclude, although the beginning has many elements similar to TAP, the author begins to take his own direction in the future in his work. I believe this story has good potential and that the author is getting better. It is very enjoyable to read and I recommend it to everyone. Just don't compare it too much to TAP and I guarantee you'll have fun reading it. I hope this review has helped in some way. Keep up the good work, author-san XD

The Extra's Survival


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Author pls don't make this a harem. Pls pls pls don't as harem has ruined many big authors. Julian X Lucas best ship. Make em a strong power couple. U have a strong story planned out kindly don't ruin it with harem.Love ur work btw and keep grinding.

Mohitkumar:You are correct about all the things you said. First thing I am not good at interactions between char as you seen at the beginning as most of them seemed to be forced.Though if you get past 70-80 you will the interaction had been smoothen. And about Fl, though I have introduced I being cautious around that cause I am still now not good at it and if I started to write romance and if turns out bad, it gonna ruin everything that's why I am taking it slowly. That's also the reason why I am keeping Lucas interaction with opposite lead bare minimum. You might know but even big authors rank fell down because they introduce new lead and didn't ship it with mc when readers asked about it.That's why cleared Rose from potential ship from the beginning Honestly, I am little bit afraid in that field still I am sure that if I keep on writing and keep on improving, I will able to pull it off. Thanks for the sincere review. It's quite a good review with some sincere suggestions.I will keep a note on your words

You are correct about all the things you said. First thing I am not good at interactions between char as you seen at the beginning as most of them seemed to be forced.Though if you get past 70-80 you will the interaction had been smoothen. And about Fl, though I have introduced I being cautious around that cause I am still now not good at it and if I started to write romance and if turns out bad, it gonna ruin everything that's why I am taking it slowly. That's also the reason why I am keeping Lucas interaction with opposite lead bare minimum. You might know but even big authors rank fell down because they introduce new lead and didn't ship it with mc when readers asked about it.That's why cleared Rose from potential ship from the beginning Honestly, I am little bit afraid in that field still I am sure that if I keep on writing and keep on improving, I will able to pull it off. Thanks for the sincere review. It's quite a good review with some sincere suggestions.I will keep a note on your words


I understand, author-san. No romance is needed right away. Especially when your story easily has the potential to reach over 1000~1500 chapters. Do things at your own pace. As long as relationships are well built, whether friendships or romantic interests, it's fine. btw, I see you worry too much about what others will think. Do not do it. It's okay to accept tips and suggestions that can add to your story, it's okay to accept when you're wrong. But never accept people wanting to write your story. "Why girl A and not girl B?", "That girl is bad, author. Don't do that", "The protagonist must acquire that power", "The mc must act this way", "Don't make harem", " Do Harem", "If you do this or that I will leave the work"... Never accept these people who want to boss you around. They limit you and overwhelm your mind. The story is yours. There will always be bad readers who can't accept that things don't go their way. Just write your story the way you want, it's ok to accept suggestions and constructive criticism, but not petty people wanting to lead you. It's okay to be cautious to write a good story. It's not okay to be cautious for fear of some readers. That's it. Keep up the good work, stay focused and keep improving! Peace! P.S. Consider starting to develop the friendship between the mc and Rose. I believe it's time. In addition to her being Fredrick's girl, she is a powerful character with an important family. She can be a good chess piece... I mean, she can be a good friend ^^

Mohitkumar:You are correct about all the things you said. First thing I am not good at interactions between char as you seen at the beginning as most of them seemed to be forced.Though if you get past 70-80 you will the interaction had been smoothen. And about Fl, though I have introduced I being cautious around that cause I am still now not good at it and if I started to write romance and if turns out bad, it gonna ruin everything that's why I am taking it slowly. That's also the reason why I am keeping Lucas interaction with opposite lead bare minimum. You might know but even big authors rank fell down because they introduce new lead and didn't ship it with mc when readers asked about it.That's why cleared Rose from potential ship from the beginning Honestly, I am little bit afraid in that field still I am sure that if I keep on writing and keep on improving, I will able to pull it off. Thanks for the sincere review. It's quite a good review with some sincere suggestions.I will keep a note on your words