
Review Detail of OtakuModeEngage in Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Review detail


Yo author, instead of using 'judging look' all the time, what about mixing in words like: 'measuring', 'critical', 'musing', 'contemplative', 'damning', and 'despising' instead of 'judging'; and 'glance', 'glare', 'glaze', 'stare', 'gape', 'peer', 'focus', 'observation,' 'examination', 'inspection', and 'view' instead of 'look'? Like common man, expand your vocabulary a little and mix it up, 'cause this singular pairing has gotten old.


Esper Harem in the Apocalypse


Liked it!




Also, the MC's OP badassery doesn't feel satisfying because he didn't earn any of his power or abilities. There were no challenges, no obstacles, or difficulties, that he had to struggle to overcome, and thus, no development or growth. His abilities also have no structure for how he gains or improves them. There's no system by which he can advance, be it cultivation techniques, magic spells, or even a literal 'system'. Every ability just comes to him instantly; moment desires it. At most, he just has to reason out the logic behind said ability, and even that only takes a brief consideration. This just makes his abilities feel cheap and undeserved. So when you have epic moments, when he displays those abilities, it just doesn't feel rewarding or worth celebrating. Like whoopee-fucking-do, a God just crushed an aunt, soooo impressive. Not.


And with no limitations on his power and abilities, and no challenges that he has to struggle to overcome, the story loses any sense of risk and potential for loss, which takes away the excitement and tension from the story. Instead, it just becomes a checklist of easy, meaningless victories.