
Review Detail of KleiNightwriter in

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It's pretty good! Although, despite the fact that it has a lot of information of what's going on, there is little to no description of how readers can visualize it. You have to balance between informing and describing the scene. The grammar and punctuation is almost perfect. But it has no imagination. You have to imagine and visualize what's happening in the novel like a movie and describe as much as you can on what you see on what is going around it. And make it sound poetic too. Describing the character's clothing, the setting, the time and date, the character's actions and adding details on what they are doing, and needs a bit more dialouge than just merely information of sentences. A novel isn't a novel without describing what it looks like than just informing. I hope this helps!


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I wanted exactly this kind of reaction someone who can help me look at my work from another angle and help me improve it. So I take your advice into account and I intend to implement them as this is my first job I will let it pass and start with a new one taking into account what you told me. Thanks a lot… i also want to tell you that something went wrong with my discord account I try to get it fix but nothing happen yet. Maybe I should create a new one