
Review Detail of MidnightEgg in Gwynneth of Candlewick

Review detail


You got some good ideas and I look forward to seeing how you develop further both in this story and in your future works. The story starts abruptly but wastes no time in getting to the main motivation that sets the protagonist out on their journey which is nice, but a piece of advice for the future: it's fine taking your time in the beginning as well ^^ Whilst your writing does not contain any apparent grammatical errors it comes of as a bit stiff/wooden through repetitions of certain words/descriptives and the shift from short sentences like (She said "") and then move on to a descriptive paragraph after breaks some of the texts flow. TLDR: The story and motivation are good whilst articulation and word flow leaves room to grow. Wish you luck further and I'll post a second review after I finish the rest of the posted chapters.

Gwynneth of Candlewick


Liked by 1 people




Thank you so much!!! I've been waiting for someone to give me some constructive criticism for so loooong.


No problem

D0pp3lg4ng3r:Thank you so much!!! I've been waiting for someone to give me some constructive criticism for so loooong.