
Review Detail of Binolin_Pubg in Venturing in the multiverse

Review detail


I don't like the writing, it's like Shakespeare writing fanfic and two much explanation ..

Venturing in the multiverse


Liked by 4 people




I apologize if the writing style was not to your liking. I aim to provide detailed and descriptive responses based on the information and context provided. If you prefer a different writing style or a more concise approach, please let me know, and I'll be happy to adjust accordingly. Your feedback is valuable, and I'm here to create content that suits your preferences.


The writing is a little bit exaggerated, i can't help but cringe in some parts of the story. it's too poetic that it feels exaggerated, even in minor scenes, i suggest to mellow down the poetic writing a little bit.

Enyru:I apologize if the writing style was not to your liking. I aim to provide detailed and descriptive responses based on the information and context provided. If you prefer a different writing style or a more concise approach, please let me know, and I'll be happy to adjust accordingly. Your feedback is valuable, and I'm here to create content that suits your preferences.

Thank you for your feedback, and I appreciate your honesty. I apologize if the writing style came across as overly poetic and exaggerated. I completely understand your perspective and will take your suggestion to heart. I'll work on toning down the poetic elements and aiming for a more balanced and natural writing style that aligns better with the story. Your input is valuable in helping me refine the narrative, and I hope the adjustments will make for a more enjoyable reading experience.

Gwiber:The writing is a little bit exaggerated, i can't help but cringe in some parts of the story. it's too poetic that it feels exaggerated, even in minor scenes, i suggest to mellow down the poetic writing a little bit.

Yeah, you can read other fan-fics to get a glimpse of the writing style that can help you fix this problem try to go for a more natural style as even in the narration it is too much bruh

Enyru:Thank you for your feedback, and I appreciate your honesty. I apologize if the writing style came across as overly poetic and exaggerated. I completely understand your perspective and will take your suggestion to heart. I'll work on toning down the poetic elements and aiming for a more balanced and natural writing style that aligns better with the story. Your input is valuable in helping me refine the narrative, and I hope the adjustments will make for a more enjoyable reading experience.

like you can use simple English and easy going style

Enyru:I apologize if the writing style was not to your liking. I aim to provide detailed and descriptive responses based on the information and context provided. If you prefer a different writing style or a more concise approach, please let me know, and I'll be happy to adjust accordingly. Your feedback is valuable, and I'm here to create content that suits your preferences.