
Review Detail of Ryu_Is_Charming in Dragon's Throne : Rise of Dragons

Review detail


We are not told much about this world, everything seems forced and unexpected. It would be best to teach us more about the world in a prologue. Some words are misspelled but it does not distract from the story. Other words like ”little” is changed into ”lil” which messes with the story. It would be better to either not use it at all or use the normal spelling.


Dragon's Throne : Rise of Dragons


Liked by 2 people




@Ryu the world building has been deliberately subtle up to this point because I wanted to avoid to many info dumps, and the MC knowing little about the world he lives in. While I have hinted at a few key elements including one of the Big reveals most things will be explained by chapter 125. Ch.81 The Airos will give a fleshing out of Gagaree and add in a new race. Ch.93 The basics Ch.94 Theoretical Magic will be an in-depth explanation of how magic works for witches along with a blatant listening of power scale for them, and mages. Ch.97 Secret projects will give a better outline if how magiteck works. A few chapters later will have a overview of Tera and a partial explanation of the worlds history, the fall of the dragon, and other magical races along with dragon lore and other things that will be revealed slowly. As far as adding in a introductory chapter it is not possible due to how publishing works. thanks for the review. MindViper 81


I you or anyone else would like to go over the given hints or have questions fell free to ask more or less anything in the chapter comment sections or DM me on discord.