
Review Detail of atomjack111 in Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Review detail


i can look past the poor understanding of English as its very common on here but the perversion of the characters is something I cannot every action except mj leaving peter for harry is completely out of character the especially the part where aunt may kicks him out for a tumor in any rendition of spiderman aunt may is his pillar of support so the fact you would change her character this much is just spitting on the entire source material read at your own risk

Marvel : Different Peter Parker


Liked by 149 people




I strongly dislike allt he grammatical errors you made while writing this. The first chapter was awfully written.


Bro I know my english is not good and I changed her character because in every different Universe the personality of every character of Marvel changes in different ways.


yes but making your charecters act like third rate cultivation novels is not the way to go about a marvel story it throws off the whole aesthetic of the universe heck you could have just made it where may dies sooner and her new husband takes everything and kicks peter out instead you went cliche abandonment route even including the vomiting blood and dying trope igt just doesn't fit I'm not trying to be mean or degrade the work you put in I just don't like the way it was written im not telling you to stop writing that would be cruel im just saying my opinions if you listen to them or not that's on you and whoever agrees with me

INSANE_GAMER:Bro I know my english is not good and I changed her character because in every different Universe the personality of every character of Marvel changes in different ways.

I hate abandoned genre, thanks for giving me heads up.


thanks for letting me know


Thanks for saving my time


I agree with all your points and thank you for the warning, but you really can't complain about anyone's mastery of the English language with the way you type 😂😂😂

atomjack111:yes but making your charecters act like third rate cultivation novels is not the way to go about a marvel story it throws off the whole aesthetic of the universe heck you could have just made it where may dies sooner and her new husband takes everything and kicks peter out instead you went cliche abandonment route even including the vomiting blood and dying trope igt just doesn't fit I'm not trying to be mean or degrade the work you put in I just don't like the way it was written im not telling you to stop writing that would be cruel im just saying my opinions if you listen to them or not that's on you and whoever agrees with me

true haha

KaiserXIII:I agree with all your points and thank you for the warning, but you really can't complain about anyone's mastery of the English language with the way you type 😂😂😂

bro are u stupid? braindead mfer

KaiserXIII:I agree with all your points and thank you for the warning, but you really can't complain about anyone's mastery of the English language with the way you type 😂😂😂

The mean(evil?) aunt may would make a really different story I would love to read something like that I know it worked out great in a MHA fanfic with deku.


good lookin out my guy


yes, by the way. I also read it and liked it too.

CountWatermelonTM:The mean(evil?) aunt may would make a really different story I would love to read something like that I know it worked out great in a MHA fanfic with deku.

no you can't just introduce new character background to characters who are 'good' in 'multiple' universes. thts just an excuse for plot progression. no offence btw but im just stating the truth.

INSANE_GAMER:Bro I know my english is not good and I changed her character because in every different Universe the personality of every character of Marvel changes in different ways.

well, first of all, this is AU.. even in any verse the characters is good, its not gonna give you stamp every characters is. this story tells you WHAT IF peter a hero who loves everyone got betrayed and abadoned by the so called Family and Friends, to let him die miserable on the dark alley, ALONE. i like this story btw. and just sad that gwen on the bad side.


maybe if it was chinese spiderman the spitting blood like a thirdrate cultivation character would make sense the fact is I could see if aunt may had something done to her bye one of spidermans villains I could accept the whole change in personality but no she gotta go and act like an evil aunt who murdered ben in his sleep and tried to dispose of her nephew in a alley but no she just re marrys and acts so out of character it isn't even done in a over the top way its just cringe and like oh yea I'm dying in this alley because everyone I love hates me boo hoo I shall have my revenge on there 9 generations and pets then proceeds to pass out from self inflicted bloodless bye "vomiting blood "

origin_seth:well, first of all, this is AU.. even in any verse the characters is good, its not gonna give you stamp every characters is. this story tells you WHAT IF peter a hero who loves everyone got betrayed and abadoned by the so called Family and Friends, to let him die miserable on the dark alley, ALONE. i like this story btw. and just sad that gwen on the bad side.

Yeah but then you change her from the very beginning. The story then has to start decades earlier where you explore and explain and define the changed world you created. You can't say it's marvel fic and then ignore your own source material .you've to explain what's different from the beginning. It can't be that you for instance start the story where everything happened as it was supposed to with great support for Peter from aunt may and then shift her entire personality around so you can create conflict. Conflict has to have a source, you can't magically insert it into the story. It can't be that she loves him and took care of him and supported him, his whole life and then got a boyfriend and then became evil.


Don’ care about him and just give us more chapyers

INSANE_GAMER:Bro I know my english is not good and I changed her character because in every different Universe the personality of every character of Marvel changes in different ways.

Don't worry, if I started to care about what everyone think about me how will I keep moving forward in life.

Senaio:Don’ care about him and just give us more chapyers

A piece of advice.......stop writing this novel. Even among all the bad novels, yours wins first place

INSANE_GAMER:Don't worry, if I started to care about what everyone think about me how will I keep moving forward in life.

You stop reading.😊

yoyud:A piece of advice.......stop writing this novel. Even among all the bad novels, yours wins first place