
Review Detail of wcpwnsuto in Re: Life - Business & Technology

Review detail


I've caught up to chapter 123 as of this review. If you want a fast review then here it is. - This novel is like playing RUST or ARK on a 4x server, everything is sped up a lot from development and research to the creation of impossible tech, the creation of anything in this novel is VERY fast to the point of being impossible even 50 years down the line. Even the recruitment and training of people is INSANE. If you can live with that this novel is fantastic and you should read it. Now for the long review- WRITING QUALITY - grammar is good, mistakes would be hard to find, and his point tends to get across STABILITY Of UPDATES - I binged the first 122 chapters and there are only 123 chapters out so I cant really say if the releases are consistent but they look to be. STORY DEV - Other than the speed issue previously stated there are some other issued with the the way the story develops. The fist thing one will notice is that BITCOIN so far has been used as a I need money magic maker. In one chapter Bitcoin is 5$ then another chapter when the MC is 50 million in debt it is worth 80 and I don't even think a full month had passed since it was 5$. You see this again when he needs more cash a few months later and it is like 1000$. It all seems WAY to quick even with all the changes he makes to it. The next thing is the HIVE MIND being used as a magic make anything for a lower cost. The Development part of R&D is all done magically by the Hive Mind making the building of factories and production lines none existent. The research isn't much better ... Research is something that takes YEARS to even decades and they still may fail. But the MC can do it in months, basically if the MC can think of something it can be researched and developed in a MAX of 6 months. Author may say its because he employs the worlds greatest AI engineers or other scientist ect ect. But how is that even possible in the fist place? The MC asks someone to recruit people and all of a sudden within the week he has some of the best engineers and scientists willing to work for him simply because he has money. That's some SERIOUS MC aura going on there. There are some other examples of 4X speed issues, or MC aura making things work but this part is already too long. WORLD BACKGROUND - Not much to say since its just our Earth from 2011 with a sprinkle of butterfly effect and some baddies for the MC to completely be blind to or be bullied by while not being able to retaliate sense he cant find them. Its fine as world backgrounds go but also not surprising since its hard to mess up what already actually exists. Overall - ima keep reading and I also LOVE the photos and artwork he shows as concepts for the characters or tech. Makes it easy to visualize and understand and fun.


Re: Life - Business & Technology


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