
Review Detail of DaoistjID7yj in Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Review detail


What are you doing author?! -)I didn't expect a Novel of top tier to be like this. -)The fighting scenes are boring and bland -)why can't you specify how an attact or spell effects the background or something or how each ranking increases his fire power -) Whenever there is a fight scene you just mention that he fought with sword or something or used spell to deal the enemies but you don't mention how the spell works in a area like does it destroy 10m or 100m something except in very very few cases like when World Will's decent. -)If you dont mention something like this then its like someone is playing a game and is just giving certain command,not the realistic type i am searching for. -) Please Author do it in this type and your novel will become more interesting to read

Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil


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