
Review Detail of Leigh_Green in The Mask Of The Monster

Review detail


Overall. A new interesting uptake of a human and the beast. Ella and Leandro. Writing Quality. Good writing. Very minimal editing. Updating Stability. It was continuously updated until very lately. Story Development. Gradual pace. From a normal world to a not-so normal place. Ella's normal curiousity peek coursed her into entering a whole new realm not exactly of humans but of monsters. Character Design. A typical cliché teenage girl who finds herself squeezed within her family whose stepsister appears to be doted more by her mom. And a paranoid Beast who is wary of his own family. What an interesting pair they make. World Background. Normal human setting co-existing with the unseen world of monsters. I'd be interested to enter that hole as well so long as no Orgades are there to welcome me.

The Mask Of The Monster


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